Annual Bible Lectureship
"Lectureship is a tradition that is as old as Harding University. Since our very first fall as a four-year college, students and friends of Harding have gathered from across the country and around the world for this special occasion. Lectureship has always been part-homecoming, part-revival, part-intensive Bible study, and part-celebration of the University itself."
Dr. Bruce McLarty
Stream events from past and current lectureships on Harding's TV 16
Between 1947 and 1999, Harding published a book to accompany each year's lectureship that included outlines or written versions of the presentations. This collection of books is available at scholarworks.harding.edu/lectureship-books.
Browse the contents of Bible Lectureship:
2024 The Genesis of All Things
2023 Inspired Purpose: Everyone Mature in Christ
2022 Culture and the Crucified Christ: Studies in 1 and 2 Corinthians
2021 INVINCIBLE! Courageous Faith in Troubled Times
2020 Virtual Lectureship
2019 FAN THE FLAME: Renewed by the Power of the Holy Spirit (Acts)
2018 Written in Stone: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments
2017 Righteousness From God: The Revolutionary Message of Romans
2016 Holy Holy Holy: Living in the Presence of God
2015 Secrets of the Kingdom: Unlocking the Treasures of the Parables
2014 Return! Studies in Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther
2007: Near to the Heart of God: Reflections on the Psalms
2003: Acting Christianly: Acts for Today
2002: Thinking Christianly
1998: Celebrating 75 Years: Focusing On Things That Count
1997: The Preeminent Christ: The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
1996: Christ's Church in a Chaotic World: Themes from I Peter
1995: Touched by the Master: Luke Presents Jesus
1994: To God Be the Glory: Ephesians' Call to Unity
1993: Today Hear His Voice: The Minor Prophets Speak
1992: Vision of Victory: The Book of Revelation
1991: Where Genesis Meets Life: Promises and Providence
1990: The Church of God in a Pagan World
1989: Acts: The Spreading Flame
1988: The Lifestyle of Jesus According to the Gospel of Mark
1987: Rescue the Perishing
1986: What's Right With The Church
1985: Jesus Calls Us
1984: Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound
1983: The Christian Home
1981: Love One Another
1980: We Give Thee But Thine Own
1979: Let the Earth Hear His Voice
1978: How Great Thou Art
1977: Facing the Issues
1976: Count It All Joy
1975: They Being Dead Yet Speak
Browse the contents of Annual Bible Lectureship:
- 2024: The Genesis of All Things
- 2023 Inspired Purpose: Everyone Mature in Christ
- 2022 Culture and the Crucified Christ: Studies in 1 and 2 Corinthians
- 2021: Invincible! Courageous Faith in Troubled Times
- 2020: Virtual Lectureship
- 2019: FAN THE FLAME: Renewed by the Power of the Holy Spirit (Acts)
- 2018: Written in Stone: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments
- 2017 Righteousness From God: The Revolutionary Message of Romans
- 2016 Holy Holy Holy: Living in the Presence of God
- The Seraphs were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." -- Isaiah 6:3
- 2015 Secrets of the Kingdom: Unlocking the Treasures of the Parables
- 2014 Return! Studies in Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther
- 2010: Hear the Word of the Lord! The Authority of Scripture in a Postmodern World
- 2007: Near to the Heart of God: Reflections on the Psalms
- 2004: He Loves Me!
- 2003: Acting Christianly: Acts for Today
- 2002: Thinking Christianly
- 1998: Celebrating 75 Years: Focusing On Things That Count
- 1997: The Preeminent Christ: The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
- 1996: Christ's Church in a Chaotic World: Themes from I Peter
- 1995: Touched by the Master: Luke Presents Jesus
- 1994: To God Be The Glory: Ephesians' Call To Unity
- 1993: Today Hear His Voice: The Minor Prophets Speak
- 1992: Vision of Victory: The Book of Revelation
- 1991: Where Genesis Meets Life: Promises and Providence
- 1990: The Church of God in a Pagan World
- 1989: Acts: The Spreading Flame
- 1988: The Lifestyle of Jesus According to the Gospel of Mark
- 1987: Rescue the Perishing
- 1986: What's Right With the Church
- 1985: Jesus Calls Us
- 1984: Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound
- 1983: The Christian Home
- 1981: Love One Another
- 1980: We Give Thee But Thine Own
- 1979: Let the Earth Hear His Voice
- 1978: How Great Thou Art
- 1977: Facing the Issues
- 1976: Count It All Joy
- 1975: They Being Dead Yet Speak