The 80th Harding University Bible Lectureship was held on September 28 - October 1, 2003. The theme that year was "Acting Christianly: Acts for Today."


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Sunday, September 28th
6:00 PM

80th Annual Harding University Lectureship Program (2003)

Harding University

6:00 PM

7:00 PM

Acting Christianly: Acts for Today

Jerry Rushford

7:00 PM

Los Hechos de Hoy: Vivendo en un Mundo de Temor (Acts for Today: Living in a World of Fear)

Luis Rosas

7:00 PM

Monday, September 29th
8:30 AM

A Christian Treatment of Depression Pt. 1

Carl Mitchell

8:30 AM

Church Growth through the Bible School Pt. 1: Clarify Purpose

Flavil Yeakley

8:30 AM

Corinth: The City and the Letters Pt. 1

Duane Warden

8:30 AM

How to be a Peacemaker Pt. 1

Cecil May Jr.

8:30 AM

How to Reach Hispanics: Models of Success Pt. 1

David Riley
Leo Rainey
Aristides Ortiz
Juan Carlos Bautista

8:30 AM

Shepherding the Flock Pt. 1

Garry Neal

8:30 AM

The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Pt. 1

Jack Lewis

8:30 AM

Turning the Classrom into a Foreign Mission Field Pt. 1

Don Petty

8:30 AM

Volunteers Pt. 1: How to Spot a Good One

Ted Helms
Perry Price

8:30 AM

What Does a First Century Man Have to say to a 21st-Century Woman?

Ed Myers

8:30 AM

What the Bible Says About Its Authority and Inspiration Pt. 1

Jimmy Jividen

8:30 AM

Why the First-Century Church Succeeded Pt. 1

L. V. Pfeifer

8:30 AM

8:45 AM

Women's Day: Women from Acts

Lori Klein

8:45 AM

9:00 AM

Women's Day: The Prodigal Daughter

Linda Fulkerson

9:00 AM

9:45 AM

Prayer Power: Connecting to God

Charles Hodge

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

Women's Day: How Sweet, How Heavenly (Conflict, Compassion and Christianity) Pt. 1

Julie Harris

10:00 AM

Women's Day: We Are One in the Spirit (Unity, Union or Uniformity) Pt. 1

Briana Cunningham

10:00 AM

10:45 AM

A Christian Treatment of Depression Pt. 2

Carl Mitchell

10:45 AM

Are Women in the Church of Christ Second-Class Citizens?

Ed Myers

10:45 AM

Church Growth through the Bible School Pt. 2: Assess Results

Flavil Yeakley

10:45 AM

Corinth: The City and the Letters Pt. 2

Duane Warden

10:45 AM

How to be a Peacemaker Pt. 2

Cecil May Jr.

10:45 AM

How to Reach Hispanics: Models of Success Pt. 2

David Riley
Leo Rainey
Aristides Ortiz
Juan Carlos Bautista

10:45 AM

Shepherding the Flock Pt. 2

Garry Neal

10:45 AM

The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Pt. 2

Jack Lewis

10:45 AM

Turning the Classrom into a Foreign Mission Field Pt. 2

Don Petty

10:45 AM

Volunteers Pt. 2: How to Develop a Great One

Ted Helms
Perry Price

10:45 AM

What the Bible Says About Its Authority and Inspiration Pt. 2

Jimmy Jividen

10:45 AM

Why the First-Century Church Succeeded Pt. 2

L. V. Pfeifer

10:45 AM

Women's Day: In Jesus' Name (Fellowship, Forgiveness and Friendship)

Sherry Pollard
Lori Klein
Tish Elrod

10:45 AM

Women's Day: Make Me a Servant (Submission, Service and Sensitivity: Christian Leadership)

Jane Norton
Kay Gowen
Claudette Bratcher

10:45 AM

1:00 PM

Women's Day: Lost and Found

Linda Fulkerson

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Open Forum Pt. 1

Neale Pryor
Tom Alexander
Ken Neller
Howard Norton

1:30 PM

1:45 PM

Women's Day: How Sweet, How Heavenly (Conflict, Compassion and Christianity) Pt. 2

Julie Harris

1:45 PM

Women's Day: We Are One in the Spirit (Unity, Union or Uniformity) Pt. 2

Briana Cunningham

1:45 PM

3:00 PM

50 Ideas in 50 Minutes

Brad Cox

3:00 PM

A Christian Treatment of Depression Pt. 3

Carl Mitchell

3:00 PM

Church Growth through the Bible School Pt. 3: Improve Outreach

Flavil Yeakley

3:00 PM

Corinth: The City and the Letters Pt. 3

Duane Warden

3:00 PM

How to be a Peacemaker Pt. 3

Cecil July Jr.

3:00 PM

How to Reach Hispanics: Models of Success Pt. 3

David Riley
Leo Rainey
Aristides Ortiz
Juan Carlos Bautista

3:00 PM

Is There Gender Justice in the Churches of Christ?

Ed Myers

3:00 PM

Shepherding the Flock Pt. 3

Garry Neal

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: Discipline of the Heart

Megan Bills

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: You Only Live Twice

Jonathan Storment

3:00 PM

The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Pt. 3

Jack Lewis

3:00 PM

Turning the Classrom into a Foreign Mission Field Pt. 3

Don Petty

3:00 PM

Volunteers Pt. 3: How to Keep a Great One

Ted Helms
Perry Price

3:00 PM

What the Bible Says About Its Authority and Inspiration Pt. 3

Jimmy Jividen

3:00 PM

Why the First-Century Church Succeeded Pt. 3

L. V. Pfeifer

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

¿Porqué Estáis Mirando al Cielo? (Why Do You Stand Here Looking into the Sky?)

Jose Martinez

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

When God is Silenced

Mack Lyon

4:30 PM

7:00 PM

Divine Power: Uniting in Christ

Prentice Meador

7:00 PM

Los hechos de Hoy: Vivendo en un Mundo de Rechazo (Acts for Today: Living in a World of Rejection)

Luis Rosas

7:00 PM

8:45 PM

Fireside Chat

Ed Myers
Mack Lyon

8:45 PM

Tuesday, September 30th
8:30 AM

Developing the Mind of Christ: A Physician's Perspective Pt. 1

Bryan Pruitt

8:30 AM

Discipleship in Acts

Bob Cowles

8:30 AM

Energizing the Local Church and Family Pt. 1

Billy McLain

8:30 AM

God's Word is Absolute

Charles Williams
Jim Sheerer

8:30 AM

Great Things God Has Done in Eastern Europe

Gary Jackson

8:30 AM

Islam: Then and Now Pt. 1

Glover Shipp

8:30 AM

Mutual Edification of Church Leaders Pt. 1

Jeff Jenkins

8:30 AM

The Heart of the Gospel: The Death, Burial, and Resurrection Pt. 1

Tim Rine

8:30 AM

The Names of God Pt. 1

Allan Isom

8:30 AM

The Theology of Thinking Creatively

Brad Cox

8:30 AM

The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Spread of Christianity Pt. 1

Robert Young

8:30 AM

What it Means to Preach Jesus Pt. 1

Will Ed Warren

8:30 AM

Women's Day: Hats Off to Women Pt. 1

Barbara Houck

8:30 AM

9:45 AM

Giving Power: Destroying Poverty

Bob Lawrence

9:45 AM

10:45 AM

Baptism Saves

Charles Williams
Jim Sheerer

10:45 AM

Barriers to Great Works in Eastern Europe

Gary Jackson

10:45 AM

Christ and Him Crucified

Ed Maxwell

10:45 AM

Creating an Environment Where Teens Love to Learn

Brad Cox

10:45 AM

Developing the Mind of Christ: A Physician's Perspective Pt. 2

Bryan Pruitt

10:45 AM

Energizing the Local Church and Family Pt. 2

Billy McLain

10:45 AM

Islam: Then and Now Pt. 2

Glover Shipp

10:45 AM

Mutual Edification of Church Leaders Pt. 2

Jeff Jenkins

10:45 AM

The Heart of the Gospel: The Death, Burial, and Resurrection Pt. 2

Tim Rine

10:45 AM

The Names of God Pt. 2

Allan Isom

10:45 AM

The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Spread of Christianity Pt. 2

Robert Young

10:45 AM

What is Needed in Adult Education?

Jerry Bowling

10:45 AM

What it Means to Preach Jesus Pt. 2

Will Ed Warren

10:45 AM

Women's Day: Hats Off to Women Pt. 2

Barbara Houck

10:45 AM

1:30 PM

Open Forum Pt. 2

Neale Pryor
Tom Alexander
Ken Neller
Howard Norton

1:30 PM

3:00 PM

Acting Christian in Our Preaching Ministry

Keith Brumley

3:00 PM

Developing the Mind of Christ: A Physician's Perspective Pt. 3

Bryan Pruitt

3:00 PM

Energizing the Local Church and Family Pt. 3

Billy McLain

3:00 PM

Islam: Then and Now Pt. 3

Glover Shipp

3:00 PM

Mutual Edification of Church Leaders Pt. 3

Jeff Jenkins

3:00 PM

Restoring the Message in Eastern Europe

Gary Jackson

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: Christian Sacrifice: What Does Our Lord Ask?

Michael Campbell

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Leslie Storment

3:00 PM

The Heart of the Gospel: The Death, Burial, and Resurrection Pt. 3

Tim Rine

3:00 PM

The Names of God Pt. 3

Allan Isom

3:00 PM

The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Spread of Christianity Pt. 3

Robert Young

3:00 PM

What is Needed in Spiritual Education of Children?

Jerry Bowling

3:00 PM

What it Means to Preach Jesus Pt. 3

Will Ed Warren

3:00 PM

Women's Day: Hats Off to Women Pt. 3

Barbara Houck

3:00 PM

Worship that Pleases God

Charles Williams
Jim Sheerer

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Predicando a Cristo (Proclaiming the Christ)

Jose Martinez

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

HSBS Alumni Dinner: Preaching the Gospel like Paul

Cecil May Jr.

4:30 PM

7:00 PM

Los Hechos de Hoy: Vivendo en un Mundo de Culpabilidad (Acts for Today: Living in a World of Guilt)

Luis Rosas

7:00 PM

Sacrificial Power: Dying for Christ

Neale Pryor

7:00 PM

8:45 PM

Fireside Chat

Ed Myers
Jimmy Jividen

8:45 PM

Wednesday, October 1st
8:30 AM

Adult Education: The WOW of the Student

Perry Green

8:30 AM

Biblical Principles for Conflict Resolution in Acts Pt. 1

Jerry Dyer

8:30 AM

Establishing Longevity in Local Ministry Pt. 1

Dan Lightfoot

8:30 AM

French Missions Pt. 1

Doyle Kee

8:30 AM

Paul: Model Sermons from a Model Preacher

Phil Thompson

8:30 AM

Purity in the Home

Karl Wendt
Shannon Wendt

8:30 AM

The Graying of the Flock: A New Model for Ministry Pt. 1

James Knapp

8:30 AM

The Social World of Luke-Acts Pt. 1

Paul Pollard

8:30 AM

Women's Day: Shadows from the Old Testament to Acts

Rosemary Burcham

8:30 AM

9:45 AM

People Power: Telling the Story

Brian Mashburn

9:45 AM

10:45 AM

Adult Education: The WOW of the Parent

Perry Green

10:45 AM

Biblical Principles for Conflict Resolution in Acts Pt. 2

Jerry Dyer

10:45 AM

Establishing Longevity in Local Ministry Pt. 2

Dan Lightfoot

10:45 AM

French Missions Pt. 2

Doyle Kee

10:45 AM

Paul: Preaching that Leads the Lost to Jesus

Phil Thompson

10:45 AM

Purity in the Church

Karl Wendt
Shannon Wendt

10:45 AM

The Graying of the Flock: A New Model for Ministry Pt. 2

James Knapp

10:45 AM

The Social World of Luke-Acts Pt. 2

Paul Pollard

10:45 AM

Women's Day: How to Reconcile Differences

Rosemary Burcham

10:45 AM

1:30 PM

Open Forum Pt. 3

Neale Pryor
Tom Alexander
Ken Neller
Howard Norton

1:30 PM

3:00 PM

Adult Education: The WOW of the Church

Perry Green

3:00 PM

Biblical Principles for Conflict Resolution in Acts Pt. 3

Jerry Dyer

3:00 PM

Establishing Longevity in Local Ministry Pt. 3

Dan Lightfoot

3:00 PM

French Missions Pt. 3

Doyle Kee

3:00 PM

Paul: Preaching that Nurtures the Saved in Jesus

Phil Thompson

3:00 PM

Purity in the Community

Karl Wendt
Shannon Wendt

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: I'm Not a Doctor: Living the Part We Play

Chad Miller

3:00 PM

Student Lecture: What Little Girls Are Made of

Jennifer Campbell

3:00 PM

The Graying of the Flock: A New Model for Ministry Pt. 3

James Knapp

3:00 PM

The Social World of Luke-Acts Pt. 3

Paul Pollard

3:00 PM

Women's Day: What to Do If There is Nothing Else to Do?

Rosemary Burcham

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Trayendo Salvación Hasta lo Último de la Tierra (Bringing Salvation to the Ends of the Earth0

Jose Martinez

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

Victory Power: Jesus is Coming

Jimmy Allen

7:00 PM