About Institutional Repositories | Scholar Works at Harding University

Scholar Works at Harding: an online institutional repository

This repository is for the scholarship, publications, archives, and creative works of the Harding University community.

What is an online institutional repository?

In the simplest terms, it’s a digital preservation system. The goal of this site is to pull together as much of our institution’s research, intellectual and creative output, as possible under a single umbrella, for the purposes of preserving, providing access to, and promoting the use of that content.

What are the benefits of Scholar Works?

There are a number of reasons for Harding faculty and students to promote and contribute to Scholar Works:
  • Research uploaded to Scholar Works is more easily visible to more researchers, increasing the reach and impact of your work.
  • It satisfies many requirements to publish in an open forum the results of grant-generated research.
  • Participating faculty may receive a monthly “readership report” with download statistics.
  • It can provide a safe “home” for grey information resources such as reports, image galleries, data, and other material that is important to scholars but is not typically published in traditional channels.

Who can contribute to Scholar Works?

Members of the HU academic community (i.e., current students or faculty) may upload content. To learn about how you can contribute to Scholar Works, please contact Brackett Library at scholarworks@harding.edu.