Submission Agreement | Scholar Works at Harding University

Scholar Works at Harding Submission Agreement

This agreement states the terms on which you grant Harding University the rights to deposit and store materials (“works”) submitted by you to Scholar Works at Harding and to make your materials accessible to the public.

If you are the copyright owner or have obtained permissions from the copyright owner to deposit and store works:

You grant to Harding University a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicense agreement to:

  1. Deposit and store electronic versions of your work in Scholar Works at Harding;
  2. Publish and make the work available to view and download for free and to use for non-commercial, research, educational or other academic purposes;
  3. Create back-up copies of the work for security and preservation purposes; and
  4. Convert the work, without changing the content, to any other format or medium necessary for preservation, storage and use of the work

You represent and warrant that:

  1. The content that you provide is your original work and that you have the full power and authority to grant the permissions contained within this agreement;
  2. To the best of your knowledge, the work does not infringe upon anyone else’s copyright, patent rights or other legal rights, including invasion of privacy, and does not contain anything which is false, defamatory, unlawful, misleading or deceptive;
  3. If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright and that exceeds fair use, you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant Harding University the rights required by this agreement, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission;
  4. You have the right, power and authority to agree to these terms and conditions and to grant Harding University the rights set forth herein; and
  5. If any of the works were sponsored or supported by a party other than Harding University (e.g., a government agency, corporate sponsor, grant)  you have complied with any prior review or other obligations or requirements imposed by that contract or agreement.

If you are not the copyright owner but have obtained permissions from the copyright owner to cite and/or link out to your work:

You grant to Harding University a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicense agreement to:

  1. Post a citation of the work and provide a link, if possible, to the electronic version of the work;
  2. To state the name of the holder of the copyright and the usage rights if known (e.g., Creative Commons) along with contact information for those that might want to seek permissions; and
  3. If applicable, to post embargo periods to inform others when the work may become available to the public

Removal from Scholar Works at Harding.  You acknowledge and agree that Harding University is not obliged to deposit or store material (“work”) in Scholar Works at Harding and may elect to do so or not in its sole discretion.