Christ's Church in a Chaotic World was the theme for the 73rd Harding Lectureship. The event was held September 29-October 2, 1996.


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Sunday, September 29th
6:00 PM

73rd Annual Harding University Lectureship Program (1996)

Harding University

6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Pressure from Every Side: Challenges From a Chaotic World

Ken Durham

6:30 PM

Monday, September 30th
8:30 AM

Attachment Disorder: Signals of Broken Attachment

Lynn Rhodes

8:30 AM

Biblical Technology

Herbert T. Pratt

8:30 AM

Chaos in the Brotherhood: One Voice Needed

Jerry Hodge

8:30 AM

Effectiveness and Challenges of Long-Term Ministry - 40 Years with a Congregation

Paul Rogers

8:30 AM

Genetic Engineering: Difficult Decisions in Reprodictive Technology - Artificial Insemination, In-Vitro Fertilization and Surrogacy

David Smith

8:30 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: The WORD Lifestyle: Ordering the Chaos

Jan Fortner

8:30 AM

Minister of Administration: New Frontiers Among Church Staffs Pt. 1

Gene Vinzant

8:30 AM

Small Group Ministry: The Dream/Basic Structure and Types of Small Groups Pt. 1

Wib Newton

8:30 AM

The Church in 1 Peter: A Worship Community

John Mark Hicks

8:30 AM

What 1 Peter Is All About

Duane Warden

8:30 AM

Yet Trouble Came: Supportive Care in Times of Crises Pt. 1

Virgil Fry

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

Chapel: When Chaos Comes

Charlie Hester

9:00 AM

9:45 AM

Restoration Plea: Where is it Going?

Jimmy Allen

9:45 AM

10:45 AM

Attachment Disorder: Dysfunctional Behavior Patterns in Children After Adoption and Divorce

Lynn Rhodes

10:45 AM

Chaos in the Local Congregation: Oneness in the Body

Jerry Hodge

10:45 AM

Chosen For Life: Becoming God's Own People (1 Peter 1-2:12) Pt. 1

Mel Storm

10:45 AM

Connecting with Generation X

Owen Olbricht

10:45 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: The HOPE Lifestyle: Guaranteeing the Inheritance

Jan Fortner

10:45 AM

Lessons from 1 Peter Pt. 1

Ken Lewis

10:45 AM

Minister of Administration: New Frontiers Among Church Staffs Pt. 2

Gene Vinzant

10:45 AM

New Testament christians on the Oregon Trail 1843-1875

Jerry Rushford

10:45 AM

Physician-Assisted Suicide Debate: Implications When Christians Forego Care and Make the Decsion to End Life

David Smith

10:45 AM

Preaching from 1 Peter Pt. 2

Duane Warden

10:45 AM

Prophets Prophesied Grace (1 Peter 1:10-12)

Jack Lewis

10:45 AM

Small Group Ministry: The Reality - Challenges, Pitfalls and Opportunities

Wib Newton

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: The Heart Full of Faith

Katy Hoover

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: The Heart Full of Faith

Henry McDaniel

10:45 AM

The Church in 1 Peter: A Holy Community

John Mark Hicks

10:45 AM

Yet Trouble Came: Supportive Care in Times of Crises Pt. 2

Virgil Fry

10:45 AM

Youth Ministry: The Challenge of Serving Youth Pt. 1

Kin Ellis

10:45 AM

1:00 PM

Fellowship: What are the Boundaries?

Hardeman Nichols
Edwin Myers

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: The Contrite Heart

Teresa Cloer

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: The Contrite Heart

Jason Sheehy

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Abortion: Counseling the Aftermath

Harold Savage

2:00 PM

Attachment Disorder: Suggetions for Dealing with Broken Attachment

Lynn Rhodes

2:00 PM

Chaos in the Pulpit: Standing Between Two Worlds

Jerry Hodge

2:00 PM

Chosen For Life: Becoming God's Own People (I Peter 1-2:8) Pt. 2

Mel Storm

2:00 PM

Difficult Texts in 1 Peter

Ed Sanders

2:00 PM

Killed By Friendly Fire: Ministering in the Military

Dennis McCarty

2:00 PM

Ladies Lecture Series: The STONE Lifestyle: Providing in the Wilderness

Jan Fortner

2:00 PM

Preaching from 1 Peter Pt. 3

Duane Warden

2:00 PM

Small Group Ministry: Training Materials and Introducing Small Groups to a Congregation

Wib Newton

2:00 PM

The Church in 1 Peter: A Redemption Community

John Mark Hicks

2:00 PM

Yet Trouble Came: Supportive Care in Times of Crises Pt. 3

Virgil Fry

2:00 PM

Youth Ministry: The Challenge of Serving Youth Pt. 2

Kin Ellis

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Effectively Teaching the Word to Our Children

Jean Qualls

3:00 PM

Hispanic Missions: Establishing a Missionary Outreach in American Cities

Ken Lewis

3:00 PM

Sisters in Service Pt. 1

Beverly Ross

3:00 PM

Stewardship: Members Pledging $1 Million Over a Three-Year Period to Build a Church Building

Ken Joines

3:00 PM

The Centerville, Tenn., Church of Christ: A Church Reaching Out, Reaching In, and Reaching Up

Wayne Qualls
Bill McDonald
Paul Rogers

3:00 PM

4:30 PM

Ministry: A Heaven-sent Blessing

Howard Norton

4:30 PM

7:00 PM

The Great Pilgrim: Christ in a Chaotic World

Neale Pryor

7:00 PM

Tuesday, October 1st
8:30 AM

Alleged Contradictions in the Gospels

Furman Kearley

8:30 AM

Bringing America Back to God: What the Local Church Can Do!

Randy Becton

8:30 AM

Challenges from the Muslim Religion

Ralph Gilmore

8:30 AM

God Isn't Finished with Me Yet: Growing Spiritually Pt. 1

Chris Bullard

8:30 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: Lifestyle Evangelism

Sally Shank

8:30 AM

Michael Faraday: the Person

Herbert T. Pratt

8:30 AM

Returning Blessing for Curses (1 Peter 3:8-22) Pt. 1

Robert Young

8:30 AM

Sermons from Proverbs: Healthy Family Culture (Proverbs 29:15-18)

Dave Bland

8:30 AM

Strangers at Home: Contemporary Alienation of Christians as Compared with Christians in 1 Peter

Dale Huff

8:30 AM

Submission and Responsibility in Relationships (1 Peter 2:11-3:7) Pt. 1

Allen Black

8:30 AM

The Challenge of Parenting Pt. 1

Ron Carter

8:30 AM

The Need for Values: Review of Moral Decay

Gerald Elliott

8:30 AM

Youth Ministry: Computers and Ministry: Tools, Crutches and Addiction Pt. 1

Dudley Chancey

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

Chapel: Living as Free Persons

Dan Dozier

9:00 AM

What's Right with the Church

Hardeman Nichols

9:00 AM

10:45 AM

A Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9-10)

Jack Lewis

10:45 AM

Challenges from Multimedia: Television, Movies, the Internet

Mike James
Ron Pacheco

10:45 AM

God Isn't Finished with Me Yet: Growing Spiritually Pt. 2

Chris Bullard

10:45 AM

God's Promise Keepers: Men Needed for Mentoring (2 Timothy 3:11)

Howard Wright

10:45 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: Wondrous Deeds: Declared and Demonstrated

Sally Shank

10:45 AM

Lessons from 1 Peter Pt. 2

Ken Lewis

10:45 AM

Pluralism: What Effect Is It Having on Christians?

Bruce McClarty

10:45 AM

Returning Blessing for Curses (1 Peter 3:8-22) Pt. 2

Robert Young

10:45 AM

Sermons from Proverbs: Iron Sharpens Iron (Proverbs 27:14-19) Pt. 2

Dave Bland

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: The Purpose of Baptism

Angela Knox

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: The Purpose of Baptism

Zach Steed

10:45 AM

Submission and Responsibility in Relationships (1 Peter 2:11-3:7) Pt. 2

Allen Black

10:45 AM

The Need for Values in a Stable Society

Gerald Elliott

10:45 AM

Victorious Strangers: 1 Peter's Strategy for Survival and Victory by the Alien Church

Dale Huff

10:45 AM

Youth Ministry: Computers and Ministry: Tools, Crutches and Addiction Pt. 2

Dudley Chancey

10:45 AM

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: The Role of the Church in Scriptures

Sara Healy

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: The Role of the Church in Scriptures

Kent Lashley

1:00 PM

The Holy Spirit: What are the Benefits?

Furman Kearley
Ralph Gilmore

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Carnal Warfare: Ministering in the Military

Dennis McCarty

2:00 PM

Challenges from Politics and Social Issues: What Is the Christian's Responsibility?

Kevin Klein

2:00 PM

Developing a Dynamic Adult Education Program

Jerry Bowling

2:00 PM

God Isn't Finished with Me Yet: Growing Spiritually Pt. 3

Chris Bullard

2:00 PM

Ladies Lecture Series: God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Nancy Smelser

2:00 PM

Middle-Age Crises: A Time for Redefinition of Self

Howard Wright

2:00 PM

Power for Living Like Strangers

Dale Huff

2:00 PM

Recovery Programs: Seeking the Lost

Harold Savage

2:00 PM

Returning Blessing for Curses (1 Peter 3:8-22) Pt. 3

Robert Young

2:00 PM

Sermons from Proverbs: A Word in Season (Proverbs 26:1-9) Pt. 3

Dave Bland

2:00 PM

Youth Ministry: Computers and Ministry: Tools, Crutches and Addiction Pt. 3

Dudley Chancey

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Evangelizing Those Different from Us

3:00 PM

Moral Values: Curriculum Choices for Home, School, Church and Society

Gerald Elliott

3:00 PM

Sisters in Service Pt. 2

Beverly Ross

3:00 PM


Peggy Norman
Don Norman

3:00 PM

Transcending Church Tension: The Task of Empowering Diversity Pt. 1

Mike Armour

3:00 PM

"We Care" Ministry: Taking Up the Slack When the Government Steps Back

Lowell Myers

3:00 PM

6:59 PM

Our Home Away From Home: The Church in a Chaotic World

Lanny Henninger

6:59 PM

8:20 PM

Transcending Church Tension: The Task of Empowering Diversity Pt. 2

Mike Armour

8:20 PM

Wednesday, October 2nd
8:30 AM

Ethics in 1 Peter: The Challenge of Christian Behavior Pt. 1

Richard Oster

8:30 AM

Finding Your Roots: How to Find Your Ancestors

Ed Sanders

8:30 AM

Gender Issues: An Analysis of 1 Timothy 2:8-15

Ed Myers

8:30 AM

Geriatrically Enhanced: A Truly Blessed Person

George Tipps

8:30 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: Sharing the Light in Large Groups

Linda Smith

8:30 AM

Living by the Will of God (1 Peter 4:1-19) Pt. 1

Frank Wheeler

8:30 AM

Michael Faraday: Notes in His Bible as Mirrors of His Faith

Herbert T. Pratt

8:30 AM

Oklahoma City Bombing: Where Was God?

Virgil Trout

8:30 AM

Sermons from Amos

Tom Alexander

8:30 AM

Servant Leadership (1 Peter 5:1-14) Pt. 1

Paul Pollard

8:30 AM

The Challenge of Parenting Pt. 2

Ron Carter

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

Chapel: Keeping a Clear Conscience (1 Peter 3:16)

Mark Howell

9:00 AM

The Family of God: Satan at Work Among the Races

Terry Childers

9:00 AM

10:45 AM

Challenges from the Judicial System: Warn a Divisive Person (Titus 3:17)

Donald Kee

10:45 AM

Elders and the Flock (1 Peter 5:1-5)

Jack Lewis

10:45 AM

Ethics in 1 Peter: The Challenge of Christian Behavior Pt. 2

Richard Oster

10:45 AM

Expository Sermons from Amos

Tom Alexander

10:45 AM

Geriatrically Enhanced: A Blessing to the Church

George Tipps

10:45 AM

Ladies Lecture Series: Sharing the Light in Small Groups

Linda Smith

10:45 AM

Life's Crises: What We Learn from Job

Virgil Trout

10:45 AM

Living by the Will of God (1 Peter 4:1-19) Pt. 2

Frank Wheeler

10:45 AM

Music in the Assembly: A Cappella or Instrumental?

Neale Pryor

10:45 AM

Servant Leadership (1 Peter 5:1-14) Pt. 2

Paul Pollard

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: Worshiping God

Ellen Huffard

10:45 AM

Student Lecture: Worshiping God

Jim Miller

10:45 AM

The Challenge of Parenting Pt. 3

Ron Carter

10:45 AM

1:00 PM

Changing the Way We Do Church: What Can Be Changed?

Jimmy Adcox
Howard Norton

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: Living a Life Worthy of the Name "Christian"

Mary Ann Dozier

1:00 PM

Student Lecture: Living a Life Worthy of the Name "Christian"

Jason Fulmer

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Expository Sermons from Amos

Tom Alexander

2:00 PM

Final Admonitions in 1 Peter (1 Peter 5:6-14)

Paul Pollard

2:00 PM

Geriatrically Enhanced: A Blessing to One Another

George Tipps

2:00 PM

Ladies Lecture Series: Master, the Possibilites!

Vicki Dell

2:00 PM

Leadership for a Culturally Diverse Society: Ensuring Equality and Justice for All People and Honoring Those Differences

Dorothy Mitstifer

2:00 PM

Living by the Will of God (1 Peter 4:1-19) Pt. 3

Frank Wheeler

2:00 PM

Teaching the Spirit or Letter of the Law

Ross Cochran

2:00 PM

Transcending Church Tension: The Task of Empowering Diversity Pt. 3 & 4

Mike Armour

2:00 PM

6:59 PM

Called To Discipleship: Challenging a Chaotic World

Mark Howell

6:59 PM