1980: We Give Thee But Thine Own | Annual Bible Lectureship

"We Give Thee But Thine Own" was the theme for the 57th Harding University Bible Lectureship that was held on October 7-10, 1980.


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Tuesday, October 7th
6:30 PM

Harding University Lectures 1980

Harding University

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

57th Annual Harding University Lectureship Program (1980)

Harding University

7:00 PM

7:30 PM

We Give Thee But Thine Own

Harold Hazelip

7:30 PM

Wednesday, October 8th
8:00 AM

God's Plan for Evangelism Pt. 1

Jim Woodell

8:00 AM

Stewards of Our Time Pt. 1

David Burks

8:00 AM

The Ministry of Counseling Pt. 1

Bruce White

8:00 AM

Women's Day: Ladies Class Pt. 1

Lavern Wade

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Must the Young Die Too?

John Dale

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

A Steward Must Be Faithful

Harold Hazelip

10:00 AM

10:40 AM

The Lordship of Christ

David Wallace

10:40 AM

11:20 AM

All That You Have

Neale Pryor

11:20 AM

1:00 PM

Evolution and the Bible Pt. 1

John Banks

1:00 PM

Setting Up a Church Budget Pt. 1

Mac Layton

1:00 PM

Soul Winners for Jesus Pt. 1

Jerry Loutzenhiser

1:00 PM

Women's Day: To What Shall I Give Myself?

Mary Oler

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Stewards of Our Minds

Jack Lewis

2:00 PM

2:40 PM

Stewards of Souls

Bill Lambert

2:40 PM

3:20 PM

Stewards of Our Talents

Clarence Dailey

3:20 PM

4:00 PM

Stewards of Our Bodies Pt. 1

Bill Hale

4:00 PM

The Preacher and Taxes Pt. 1

Charles Stephenson

4:00 PM

The Sanctity of Sacrifice Pt. 1

Trevor Williams

4:00 PM

Victorious Living Pt. 1

Randall Yearwood

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

Heaven's Interest in Our Salvation

Phillip Morrison

7:00 PM

Thursday, October 9th
8:00 AM

God's Plan for Evangelism Pt. 2

Jim Woodell

8:00 AM

Stewards of Our Time Pt. 2

David Burks

8:00 AM

The Ministry of Counseling Pt. 2

Bruce White

8:00 AM

Women's Day: Ladies Class Pt. 2

Lavern Wade

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Meet for the Master's Use

David Wallace

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Christ, An Example of Giving

John Dale

10:00 AM

10:40 AM

All of Grace

Ron White

10:40 AM

11:20 AM

Ye Are Not Your Own

Glen Pace

11:20 AM

1:00 PM

Evolution and the Bible Pt. 2

John Banks

1:00 PM

Profile of the Church

Allan Isom

1:00 PM

Setting Up a Church Budget Pt. 2

Mac Layton

1:00 PM

Soul Winners for Jesus Pt. 2

Jerry Loutzenhiser

1:00 PM

Women's Day: Can I Return My Heritage?

Mary Oler

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

1 Peter 4:8-11

Avon Malone

2:00 PM

2:40 PM

The Unjust Steward

Tom Alexander

2:40 PM

3:20 PM

Parables of the Talents and Pounds

Dennis Crawford

3:20 PM

4:00 PM

Stewards of Our Bodies Pt. 2

Bill Hale

4:00 PM

The Preacher and Taxes Pt. 2

Charles Stephenson

4:00 PM

The Sanctity of Sacrifice Pt. 2

Trevor Williams

4:00 PM

Victorious Living Pt. 2

Randall Yearwood

4:00 PM

7:30 PM

Saved to Serve

Jerry Jones

7:30 PM

Friday, October 10th
8:00 AM

God's Plan for Evangelism Pt. 3

Jim Woodell

8:00 AM

Stewards of Our Time Pt. 3

David Burks

8:00 AM

The Ministry of Counseling Pt. 3

Bruce White

8:00 AM

Women's Day: Ladies Class Pt. 3

Lavern Wade

8:00 AM

10:00 AM

The Forgotten Grace

L. V. Pfeifer

10:00 AM

10:40 AM

How Much Should I Give?

Mac Layton

10:40 AM

11:20 AM

Will a Man Rob God?

Carl Wade

11:20 AM

1:00 PM

Evolution and the Bible Pt. 3

John Banks

1:00 PM

Setting Up a Church Budget Pt. 3

Mac Layton

1:00 PM

Soul Winners for Jesus Pt. 3

Jerry Loutzenhiser

1:00 PM

Stewards of Our Estate

Al Fowler

1:00 PM

Women's Day: All This By Reason of Strength

Mary Oler

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

The Christian Father

Allan Isom

2:00 PM

2:40 PM

The Christian Mother

John Gipson

2:40 PM

3:20 PM

The Husband-Wife Relationship

Jim Moffett

3:20 PM

4:00 PM

Stewards of Our Bodies Pt. 3

Bill Hale

4:00 PM

The Preacher and Taxes Pt. 3

Charles Stephenson

4:00 PM

The Sanctity of Sacrifice Pt. 3

Trevor Williams

4:00 PM

Victorious Living Pt. 3

Randall Yearwood

4:00 PM

7:30 PM

They First Gave Themselves

Frank Pack

7:30 PM