2018: Written in Stone: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments

Our theme this year is WRITTEN IN STONE: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments. In a time when truth is increasingly viewed as relative and where moral values are often mocked as irrelevant, the Ten Commandments speak with refreshing clarity and amazing power. They remind us that the God who created us knows and desires what is truly best for us, and the Ten Commandments ultimately point us to Jesus, the fulfillment of the Law.

Again, we look forward to welcoming you to Harding University and to our 95th Annual Bible Lectureship! Your presence here would be a gift to every other participant, and we will be so glad you came. Our prayer is that by the time you leave, God will refresh your spirit and fill you with renewed passion to share the good things you experience and learn that week.

-Dr. Bruce McLarty, President

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Browse the contents of 2018: Written in Stone: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments:

For Youth and Family Ministers
Especially for Women
Wednesday, Oct. 3
Tuesday, Oct. 2
Sunday, Sept. 30
Student Speakers
For Preachers
Praise and Worship
Monday, Oct. 1
Keynote Addresses
Gospel and Culture
Foreign Language Lectures
Church Leadership
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Abundant Living Program