All Events | 2018: Written in Stone: The Enduring Value of the Ten Commandments

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Sunday, September 30th
6:00 PM

95th Annual Harding University Lectureship Program (2018)

Harding University

6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Concert - Harding University Concert Choir

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

Reverencing The Lord Our God

Mike Tune

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM

Monday, October 1st
7:00 AM

Missions Prayer Breakfast

International Room

7:00 AM

8:30 AM

Morning Praise

Administration Auditorium

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

Honoring Our Parents, Claiming The Promise

Andrew Phillips

Administration Auditorium

9:00 AM

Student Chapel

Ashby Camp

Benson Auditorium

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

A Scientist Examines Faith and Evidence, Part 1

Don England

McInteer 145

10:00 AM

Harding’s Role In Asian Missions, part 1: Church of Christ Missionaries in Japan Before World War II

Bob Hooper

McInteer 353

10:00 AM

High View of Scripture: the Good, the Bad & the Gestalt

Richard Oster

McInteer 233

10:00 AM

Reaching My Hispanic Neighbor Next Door

Tim Archer

McInteer 225

10:00 AM

Rushing Wind: The Work of the Holy Spirit, part 1

Monte Cox

McInteer 150

10:00 AM

Sermon Challenge Winner - Timothy Category: The Ten To Two Transition

Jared Mayes

McInteer 234

10:00 AM

Student Chapel

Ashby Camp

Benson Auditorium

10:00 AM

The God of Holiness

Anessa Westbrook

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

The Most Important Lessons I Have Learned In 35 Years Of Youth Ministry, part 1

Jerry Elder

McInteer 230

10:00 AM

The Ten Commandments in Covenantal Context, part 1

Kevin Youngblood

Heritage Auditorium

10:00 AM

What Every Minister Wants & Needs Most From His Elders

Noel Whitlock

McInteer 229

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

A Scientist Examines Faith and Evidence, Part 2

Don England

McInteer 145

11:00 AM

Harding’s Role In Asian Missions, part 2: Church of Christ Missions After World War II

Bob Hooper

McInteer 353

11:00 AM

Help! Someone I Know is Addicted, part 1

Adrian Hickmon

McInteer 225

11:00 AM

Merely Describing God's Story or Living God's Story, Practical Lessons from the Life of the Anointed One

Richard Oster

McInteer 233

11:00 AM

Rushing Wind: The Work of the Holy Spirit, part 2

Monte Cox

McInteer 150

11:00 AM

Sermon Challenge Winner - Paul Category : Commandments in Conflict: Prioritizing the Law

Keith Kilmer

McInteer 234

11:00 AM

The God of Covenant

Terri Rine

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

The Most Important Lessons I Have Learned In 35 Years Of Youth Ministry, part 2

Jerry Elder

McInteer 230

11:00 AM

The Ten Commandments in Covenantal Context, part 2

Kevin Youngblood

Heritage Auditorium

11:00 AM

The Ten Commandments in Romans

Paul Pollard

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Why Christian Universities Are Important to the Church

Bruce McLarty

McInteer 229

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

Medical Evangelism in Central America Luncheon

Regions Room 206

12:00 PM

Missions Luncheon

Founders Room

12:00 PM

1:00 PM


Paul Pollard

McInteer Rotunda

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Creating A Great Commission Spirit In Your Congregation

Andy Baker

McInteer 234

2:00 PM

Effective Leadership In A Multicultural Congregation

Willie Nettle

McInteer 229

2:00 PM

Harding’s Role In Asian Missions, part 3: The Legacy of George and Sallie Benson

Bob Hooper

McInteer 353

2:00 PM

Help! Someone I Know is Addicted, part 2

Adrian Hickmon

McInteer 225

2:00 PM

Partnering With your Community for Ministry

Kent Jobe

McInteer 145

2:00 PM

Punishment & Rewards in the Ten Commandments

Harold Redd

McInteer 125

2:00 PM

Right Click: Raising Teenagers In A Digital Media World

T.J. Davidson

McInteer 230

2:00 PM

Rushing Wind: The Work of the Holy Spirit, part 3

Monte Cox

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

The God of Reconciliation

Laurie Diles

Cone Chapel

2:00 PM

The Ten Commandments In American Public Life, part 1

Mac Sandlin

McInteer 233

2:00 PM

The Ten Commandments in Covenantal Context, part 3

Kevin Youngblood

Heritage Auditorium

2:00 PM

3:00 PM


Michelle Goff

Cone Chapel

3:00 PM

Jesus' Leadership Training Manual

Steve Teel

McInteer 229

3:00 PM

The New Atheism, part 1

Ashby Camp

Heritage Auditorium

3:00 PM

The Ten Commandments In American Public Life, part 2

Mac Sandlin

McInteer 233

3:00 PM

What I Have Learned About Ministry

Don Delukie

McInteer 145

3:00 PM

Youth Is My Opportunity, Not My Excuse

Alexander Jamerison

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Chinese Lecture

McInteer 150

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

Black Student Association Choir

Charles White Cafeteria

4:30 PM

Celebration of Ministry Dinner -- Serving With Honor Without Losing Your Mind

Heritage Cafeteria

4:30 PM

Serving With Honor Without Losing Your Mind

Jim Martin

Heritage Cafeteria

4:30 PM

6:00 PM

Chinese Lecture

McInteer 150

6:00 PM

Y habló Dios [And God Said]

Tim Archer

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Harding Academy Chorus

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

Taking Time To Be Holy – The Sabbath Principle

Walt Leaver

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM

8:30 PM

Old Time Gospel Singing

Cone Chapel

8:30 PM

Tuesday, October 2nd
7:00 AM

Healing Hands International Breakfast -- Aid, Equip and Empower God’s Work

Regions Room

7:00 AM

Sunset International Bible Institute Breakfast

Regions Room

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Preachers Workshop: Developing Christ Followers

Jerry Jones

Cone Chapel

8:00 AM

8:30 AM

Morning Praise

Administration Auditorium

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

“Protecting The Integrity of Marriage” (Exodus 20:14)

Tony Cloud

Administration Auditorium

9:00 AM

Student Chapel

Bob Turner

Benson Auditorium

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Foremothers in the Faith, part 1

Carisse Berryhill

McInteer 145

10:00 AM

From Mozambique to Millennials, Part 1: Shifting Cultural Paradigms and the Atonement

Logan Thompson

McInteer 230

10:00 AM

Gazing at God: Transformation by the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3)

Barbara Neller

McInteer 150

10:00 AM

Marriage: The Family's Heart and the Lure of Idolatry

Randy Willingham

Liberty Room

10:00 AM

Preachers Workshop: The Church in Luke/Acts

Jerry Jones

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

Remember the Sabbath, part 1: The Sabbath and the Jews

Darren Williamson

McInteer 225

10:00 AM

Shepherding - Eight Keys to Shepherding the Next Generation and Reaching Emerging Adults

Scott Sager

McInteer 229

10:00 AM

Student Chapel

Bob Turner

Benson Auditorium

10:00 AM

The Sacred Names of God in the Old Testament, part 1

Dan Oden

Heritage Auditorium

10:00 AM

Written in Stone: Holding Absolute Truths In A Post-Modern World, part 1

Gregory Tidwell

McInteer 234

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

Bloom Where You are Planted

Marka Bennett

McInteer 150

11:00 AM

Does the Bible Teach 'Once Saved Always Saved'?

Dave Phillips

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Foremothers in the Faith, part 2

Carisse Berryhill

McInteer 145

11:00 AM

From Mozambique to Millennials, Part 2: Teenagers, Shame, and the Gospel as Theosis

Logan Thompson

McInteer 230

11:00 AM

Perfected by Trial: A Journey to Home

Randy Willingham
Andrea Morris

Liberty Room

11:00 AM

Preachers Workshop: A Fresh Reading of the Scriptures

Jerry Jones

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

Remember the Sabbath, part 2: The Sabbath and Jesus

Darren Williamson

McInteer 225

11:00 AM

Shepherding - Remove the Perspiring from Hiring and Review

Scott Sager

McInteer 229

11:00 AM

The Sacred Names of God in the Old Testament, part 2

Dan Oden

Heritage Auditorium

11:00 AM

Written in Stone: Holding Absolute Truths In A Post-Modern World, part 2

Gregory Tidwell

McInteer 234

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

Annual World Bible School, World English Institute and ChinaNOW Luncheon

Founders Room

12:00 PM

Preachers Workshop: Raising Up the Next Generation of Preachers

Devin Swindle

Cone Chapel

12:00 PM

Shepherd’s Hill International Luncheon

Regions Room 206

12:00 PM

1:00 PM


Dale Manor

Linda Byrd Smith Museum of Biblical Archaeology McInteer Bible and World Missions first floor

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Becoming a Church-Planting Congregation: Identifying a Strategy

Carl Williamson

McInteer 230

2:00 PM

Foremothers in the Faith, part 3

Carisse Berryhill

McInteer 145

2:00 PM

God's Place at the Family Table

Randy Willingham
Jerry Neill

Liberty Room

2:00 PM

Remember the Sabbath, part 3: The Sabbath and Christians

Darren Williamson

McInteer 225

2:00 PM

Seeing God's Glory in Everyday, Mundane Life

Cheryl Finley

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

Shepherding - 3 Keys to Follow the Leader

Scott Sager

McInteer 229

2:00 PM

The Christian’s Essential Reading List, part 1

Bob Turner

McInteer 233

2:00 PM

The Sacred Names of God in the Old Testament, part 3

Dan Oden

Heritage Auditorium

2:00 PM

Written in Stone: Holding Absolute Truths In A Post-Modern World, part 3

Gregory Tidwell

McInteer 234

2:00 PM

You Can Be A Minister Mentor

David Lane

McInteer 353

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Becoming a Church-Planting Congregation: Inspiring the Heart

Carl Williamson

McInteer 230

3:00 PM

From the Throne to the Pedestal

Randy Willingham
Jerry Neill
Andrea Morris

Liberty Room

3:00 PM

Live Big Live Wise

Debbie Gentry

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

The Christian’s Essential Reading List, part 2

Bob Turner

McInteer 233

3:00 PM

The New Atheism, part 2

Ashby Camp

Heritage Auditorium

3:00 PM

Unsocial Media, part 1

Andrew Baker

McInteer 125

3:00 PM

What I Have Learned In Ministry

Roger McCown

McInteer 225

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Becoming a Church-Planting Congregation: Invest in the Future

Carl Williamson

McInteer 230

4:00 PM

Belles and Beaux


4:00 PM

Praise and Worship

Keith Lancaster

Heritage Auditorium

4:00 PM

Student Speaker - Reclaiming the Sabbath

Ally Davis

McInteer 150

4:00 PM

Student Speaker - The “gods” of 2018

Daylan Moore

McInteer 125

4:00 PM

World English Institute Reception

Regions Room 206

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

Imagination Dinner

Founders Room

4:30 PM

5:00 PM

Student Speaker - Idolatry: The Forgotten Sin

Kason Lawrence

McInteer 125

5:00 PM

Student Speaker - Liberated

Anne Marie Reynolds

McInteer 150

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

Amar a Dios, amar al prójimo [Loving God, loving our neighbor]

Tim Archer

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

Symmetries and Harmony of the Universe

Chung Kao

McInteer 150

6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Good News Singers

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

“Restraining The Murderer in Me” (Exodus 20:13)

Jerry Jones

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM

8:30 PM

Chamber Singers

Reynolds Recital Hall

8:30 PM

Wednesday, October 3rd
8:30 AM

Morning Praise

Administration Auditorium

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

“Being Content With Our Own Stuff” (Exodus 20:15-17)

Karl McLarty

Administration Auditorium

9:00 AM

Student Chapel

Bill Davis

Benson Auditorium

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Abundant Living - Life After 60: Seniors - Mobilizing, Serving, and Caring, part 1

Ed Gray

Liberty Room

10:00 AM

Aquainted with Grief, part 1

John Dobbs

McInteer 353

10:00 AM

Are You a Tool? - Being a Vessel for Women in God’s ministry

D'Andrea Fanning

McInteer 145

10:00 AM

Back to the Future, part 1

Bill Richardson

McInteer 234

10:00 AM

Christian Bioethics, part 1: Beginning of Life Issues

Dennis Matlock
Phil Thompson

McInteer 125

10:00 AM

Developing the Heart of a Shepherd, part 1

Ross Cochran

McInteer 229

10:00 AM

How God Has Shown Himself in Tragedy: The Burnette Chapel Story

Joey Spann

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

Interpretative Insights, part 1: Uses of Humor in Scripture

David Smith

McInteer 225

10:00 AM

No Other Gods: Yahweh’s ‘Competition’ In The Old Testament, part 1

Dale Manor

Heritage Auditorium

10:00 AM

Priesthood of Believers, part 1

Jane Reynolds

McInteer 150

10:00 AM

Student Chapel

Bill Davis

Benson Auditorium

10:00 AM

The Mosaic Law: God's Self-Revelation

Jim McGuiggan

McInteer 233

10:00 AM

Youth In Family Ministry: The Current Crisis in Youth Ministry

Luke Dockery

McInteer 230

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

Abundant Living - Life After 60: Seniors - Mobilizing, Serving, and Caring, part 2

Ed Gray

Liberty Room

11:00 AM

Aquainted with Grief, part 3

John Dobbs

McInteer 353

11:00 AM

Back to the Future, part 2

Bill Richardson

McInteer 234

11:00 AM

Christian Bioethics, part 2: End of Life Issues

Dennis Matlock
Phil Thompson

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Developing the Heart of a Shepherd, part 2

Ross Cochran

McInteer 229

11:00 AM

How People Who "Get It" Respond to the Law (Psalm 119)

Jim McGuiggan

McInteer 233

11:00 AM

Interpretative Insights, part 2: Chiasm in Biblical Interpretation

David Smith

McInteer 225

11:00 AM

Making Our Churches Safer and More Secure, part 1

Sam Jeffrey

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

No Other Gods: Yahweh’s ‘Competition’ In The Old Testament, part 2

Dale Manor

Heritage Auditorium

11:00 AM

Priesthood of Believers, part 2

Jane Reynolds

McInteer 150

11:00 AM

Standing with the Vulnerable: Seeking Refuge

Christi Jenczyk

McInteer 145

11:00 AM

Youth In Family Ministry: Seeking a More Biblical Model for Youth Ministry

Luke Dockery

McInteer 230

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

Abundant Living Luncheon

Regions Room

12:00 PM

HST/Harding Graduate School Alumni Luncheon

Founders Room

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Belle Canto Women's Chorus

Heritage Lobby

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

A Profile Of Godly Leadership - An In-Depth Look At The Qualifications of Elders, part 1

Tom Alexander

McInteer 229

2:00 PM

Abundant Living: The Quest for Holiness

John Smith

Liberty Room

2:00 PM

Aquainted with Grief, part 2

John Dobbs

McInteer 353

2:00 PM

Back to the Future, part 3

Bill Richardson

McInteer 234

2:00 PM

Christian Bioethics, part 3: Biotechnology and Personhood

Dennis Matlock
Phil Thompson

McInteer 125

2:00 PM

Making Our Churches Safer and More Secure, part 2

Sam Jeffrey

Cone Chapel

2:00 PM

Meet Generation Z: Understanding and Reaching the New Post-Christian World

T.J. Davidson

McInteer 230

2:00 PM

No Other Gods: Yahweh’s ‘Competition’ In The Old Testament, part 3

Dale Manor

Heritage Auditorium

2:00 PM

Priesthood of Believers, part 3

Jane Reynolds

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

Standing with the Vulnerable: He is Still Good

Christi Jenczyk

McInteer 145

2:00 PM

Stone Tablets and Human Hearts

Jim McGuiggan

McInteer 233

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

A Profile Of Godly Leadership - An In-Depth Look At The Qualifications of Elders, part 2

Tom Alexander

McInteer 229

3:00 PM

Abundant Living: I Surrender All

John Smith

Liberty Room

3:00 PM

Aquainted with Grief, part 4

John Dobbs

McInteer 353

3:00 PM

My Treasured Possession

Briana Cunningham

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

The New Atheism, part 3

Ashby Camp

Heritage Auditorium

3:00 PM

Unsocial Media, part 2

Andrew Baker

McInteer 125

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Student Speaker - ID, please

Chase Mangrum

McInteer 150

4:00 PM

Student Speaker -The Ten Commandments On Steroids (a Brief Study of the Sermon on the Mount)

Andrew Hicks

McInteer 125

4:00 PM

5:00 PM

Student Speaker - Creating Order Out of Chaos

Sidney Brandon

McInteer 150

5:00 PM

Student Speaker - Habakkuk: Look and Sea

Tanner Stone

McInteer 125

5:00 PM

6:00 PM

Adventure of a Great Scholar: Saul of Tarsus

Chung Kao

McInteer 150

6:00 PM

¿Dónde cabe la Ley en un sistema de gracia? [Where does the Law fit in a system of grace?]

Tim Archer

McInteer 125

6:00 PM

6:30 PM

Harding University Chorus

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

“Fulfilling The Law – The Supreme Commandment” (Romans 13:8-10)

Bill Davis

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM