13-in-1 Workshop
Sponsored by the Bible Department of Harding, the 13-in-1 Workshops stem from earlier 3-in-l and 4-in-1 workshops geared toward training church leaders. The first 13-in-1 workshop was held in 1978.
Designed to provide for the interests of all members of the church, the 13-in-1 Workshop featured a three-day training session in 13 different areas of Christian discipleship. The subject areas varied each year the workshop was held.
Submissions from 1980
Church-Home Relationships, Charlotte Mize
Developing a Family Education Program, Royce Money
Feedback and Evaluation, Bill Moody
Recreational Programs Among Singles, Bill Moody
The Future of the Singles Program Movement, Bill Moody
Teaching Teens Effectively in the Classroom, Jim Moss
Training Teachers of Youth, Jim Moss
Youth Ministry: Where to Begin, Jim Moss
New Educational Innovations, Frank Mullican
The Work of a Supervisor, Frank Mullican
Elders Role in Working with Education Directors and Supervisors, Bill New
Using Small Groups in Teaching Adults Pt. 1, Robert Oglesby
Using Small Groups in Teaching Adults Pt. 2, Robert Oglesby
Team Teaching, Willora Oglesby
What to Teach and What Not to Teach, Willora Oglesby
Slide Presentation, Sherry Organ
Using Puppets, Sherry Organ
Esther Pt. 1, Neale Pryor
Esther Pt. 2, Neale Pryor
Esther Pt. 3, Neale Pryor
Victory in Jesus, Neale Pryor
New Methods and Learning Activities for 2s and 3s, Glenda Ravanelli
Using God's Real Things, Glenda Ravanelli
How Do We Prepare Our Daughters to be Submissive Wives?, Ed Sanders
Marriage, Intimacy, and Sexuality, Ed Sanders
What Can We Learn from Other Religious Groups?, Joe Schubert
Facts or Attitudes, Jane Sharp
Balance Programming Pt. 1, Roy Smalling
Balance Programming Pt. 2, Roy Smalling
Handling Behavior Problems, Wilma Stevens
A Fact Designed by God Can Be Taught in a Spiritual Atmosphere, Jack Thomas
Essential Records and Forms for the Bible School, Dan Whitaker
Scriptures and Concepts for 0-2 Year Olds, Lois Whitaker
Vocabulary and Story, Lois Whitaker
Studying Obedience During a Crucial Age, Charles Whitmire and Betty Whitmire false
Using Games to Teach the Word, Charles Whitmire and Betty Whitmire false
Using Visuals with Juniors, Charles Whitmire and Betty Whitmire false
Dealing with youth Problems, Wally Wilkerson
From Milk to Meat: Helping Them to Grow, Wally Wilkerson
Strengthening the Family Through Youth ministry, Wally Wilkerson
Organizing Care Units Through the Bible School, Byron Williamson
Training Teachers of Adults, Byron Williamson
How Young Children Learn, David Wray
New Methods and Learning Activities for 4s and 5s, David Wray
Training Teachers for Early Childhood, David Wray
Submissions from 1978
1 Corinthians 11 and 14 Pt. 1, Jimmy Allen
1 Corinthians 11 and 14 Pt. 2, Jimmy Allen
1 Corinthians 11 and 14 Pt. 3, Jimmy Allen
Our God is Able, Jimmy Allen
Securing and Preparing Bus, Bob Anderson
Developing an Active Deaconship, Dale Baird
Holy Spirit and the Christian, James D. Bales
Psychology of Deafness in Soul-Winning, Gary Blake
Problems from the Church, Maxie Boran
Problems Within Yourself, Maxie Boran
Helping Troubled Children in the Home Pt. 1, Lois Brown
Helping Troubled Children in the Home Pt. 2, Lois Brown
Effective Curriculum, Paul Brown
Effective Use of Classrooms, Paul Brown
Teaching Adults, Paul Brown
Beginning New Bus Program, Allan Bryan
Biblical Basis of Bus Program, Allan Bryan
Planning Meetings with Denominational Preachers, Marvin Bryant
Bible School Evangelism, Pat Casey
Teaching on the Bus, Pat Casey
Church Management, Bobby Coker and David B. Burks
Teaching Teens the Bible Pt. 2, Sam Cox
Knocking Doors for Studies, Bob Dankelfsen
Organized Campaigns in Mission Areas, Lloyd Deal
Winning Souls Through B.C.C., Lloyd Deal
How to Conduct Home Bible Study, Lucille Ernst
How to Have Daily Conversions Pt. 1, Jack Exum
How to Have Daily Conversions Pt. 2, Jack Exum
Building Morals in Christian Girls, Joan Ferrell
Local Preacher in Missions, Don Fike
Use of Group Experiences, Bill Flatt
Use of Self-Help Materials, Bill Flatt
Problems of the Elderly, Tom Formby
Bible School Attendance, Ray Fulenwider
Keeping Useful Records, Ray Fulenwider
Soul-Winning Bible School, Ray Fulenwider
Teacher Training Programs, Ray Fulenwider
An Ethical Life, Clifton L. Ganus Jr.
Developing Leadership, John Gipson
Selection and Removal of Elders, John Gipson
Making New Congregations, Claude Guild
Assisting Your Husband Pt. 1, Sammie Guild
Assisting Your Husband Pt. 2, Sammie Guild
Open Bible Study Method, Hugh Hale
Encouraging Sons to Preach, Nick Hamilton
Selecting a Field Pt. 1, Dan Hardin
Selecting a Field Pt. 2, Dan Hardin
Answer to TV Smut, Jerry Harris
Building a Preaching Library, Harold Hazelip
Using the Bible Call Telephone Tape Library, John Hurt
Teaching Children Pt. 1, Ron Ingram
Teaching Children Pt. 2, Ron Ingram
Marriage Counseling, Allan Isom
Mental Health and Bible School, Allan Isom