![Workshops and Seminars](../assets/md5images/c2e27fd80a75e921d0a286636e45dda6.png)
13-in-1 Workshop
Sponsored by the Bible Department of Harding, the 13-in-1 Workshops stem from earlier 3-in-l and 4-in-1 workshops geared toward training church leaders. The first 13-in-1 workshop was held in 1978.
Designed to provide for the interests of all members of the church, the 13-in-1 Workshop featured a three-day training session in 13 different areas of Christian discipleship. The subject areas varied each year the workshop was held.
Submissions from 1982
Jesus as Our Coming King, Jimmy Allen
Romans Pt. 1, Jimmy Allen
Romans Pt. 2, Jimmy Allen
Romans Pt. 3, Jimmy Allen
Leading Personal Growth, Dick Austin
The Family as a Place to Grow, Dick Austin
Instrumental Music, James Bales
What is the Good News?, Leon Barnes
Imitation of Christ: Humanity - Enemies, Joe Beam
Imitation of Christ: Humanity - Hurting, Joe Beam
Imitation of Christ: Humanity - Mother, Joe Beam
Preparing Congregation for Using Media, Joe Beam
Reaching the Lost Thru Media: Potential, Joe Beam
Building Strategy…Solving Problems, Dan Blazer
Communication in the Home, Dan Blazer
Targeting Your Audience, Bill Brant
Initiating Change, David Burks
Time Management Principles, David Burks
Church Growth Thru Medical Missions, Danny Burleson
Bulletins, Flyers, Brochures, and Print Media, Lou Butterfield
How to Develop Effective Advertising Campaign, Lou Butterfield
Leadership by Objectives Pt. 1, Bobby Coker
Leadership by Objectives Pt. 2, Bobby Coker
Involving Adults in youth Ministry, Edd Eason
Youth Ministry and a Small Congregation, Edd Eason
Programs Forum Pt. 1, Edd Eason, Corky French, Tim Lewis, and Mike Myers
Programs Forum Pt. 2, Edd Eason, Corky French, Tim Lewis, and Mike Myers
Preachers Serving as Elders, Earl Edwards
Inspiration, Dale Foster
Team Relationships, Dale Foster
Youth Ministry: A Family Ministry, Corky French
Friendship Evangelism: Bible School, Ray Fulenwider
Involvement Ministry, Ray Fulenwider
Wednesday Night Classes for Adults, Ray Fulenwider
New Testament Concept of Leadership, Joe Ed Furr
Role of Elders, Joe Ed Furr
Maintaining an Ethical Life, Clifton L. Ganus Jr.
Christian Growth in Work and Leisure, Bob Gibson
Let's Do It Right, George Goldtrap
Myths and Realities of the Media, Bill Grant
Role of Deacons, Nick Hamilton
Sermons: Evangelistic, W. T. Hamilton
Sermons: Supportive, W. T. Hamilton
Children's Bible Hour, Dale Hill and Sandi Hill
Thursday Schools, Dale Hill and Sandi Hill
Books You Must Read, Charles Hodge
Fellowship, Charles Hodge
Managing Family Life, Charles Hodge
Preaching Jesus, Mike Ireland
Making a Home a Spiritual Center, Allan Isom
Methal Health: A Biblical Perspective, Travis Jenkins
The Experience of Emotion, Travis Jenkins
The Whole Family Under Discipline, Travis Jenkins
Counseling, Joel Johnson
Jesus as Lord of Our Lives, Jerry Jones
Holy Spirit and Miracles, Joe Jones
Holy Spirit and the Christian, Joe Jones
Evangelism in a City, Doug Kostowski
Church Growth Thru the Eyes of Jesus, Doug Kostowsky
Keeping Jesus in the Center of Youth Ministry, Tim Lewis
Making the Bible Live in Teens Lives, Tim Lewis
Premillennialism Pt. 1, John Lowry
Premillennialism Pt. 2, John Lowry
Premillennialism Pt. 3, John Lowry
Growth Research: Churches of Christ, Mac Lynn
1 John Pt. 1, Avon Malone
1 John Pt. 2, Avon Malone
1 John Pt. 3, Avon Malone
Jesus: Consummation of All Things, Avon Malone
Discipling Christians for Growth, Dick Marcear
Go, Read, Learn about Church Growth, Dick Marcear
How to Involve New Members, Tim Matheny
Reaching the Dropout, Tim Matheny
Sermons: Doctrinal, J. L. May
Growing in Self-Discipline, Robert McKelvain
Submission: The Assertive Alternative, Robert McKelvain
The Focus of Growth: Self-Evaluation, Robert McKelvain
3 Ways a Church Grows, Prentice Meador
The Female Role in the Home, Prentice Meador
The Male Role in the Home, Prentice Meador
The Urgency for a Growing Church, Prentice Meador
Radio Preaching, George Merritt
Heading Off Divorce, Carl Mitchell
Home: Training Center for Marriage, Carl Mitchell
The Harvest, Bob Mize
The Sower, Bob Mize
Use of Electronics in Teaching, Jim Moss
Resources, Mike Myers
Keeping Positive, Richard Pectol
Ecclesiastes, L. V. Pfeifer
History of Personal Work Methods, L. V. Pfeifer
Psalms, L. V. Pfeifer
Colossians Pt. 2, Neale Pryor
Job Pt. 1, Neale Pryor
Job Pt. 2, Neale Pryor
Quality Education: Fast Growing Bible School, Robert Qualls
Group Dynamics Pt. 1, Bob Reely
Group Dynamics Pt. 2, Bob Reely
Nursery, Ken Rhodes and Sharon Rhodes
Training Parent, Ron Rose