Harding University's Archives & Special Collections | Harding University Research | Scholar Works at Harding

Welcome to the Harding University digital archives, part of the Ann Cowan Dixon Archives & Special Collections at Brackett Library. These digital collections include unique images, documents, oral histories, sermons, and radio broadcasts relating to the history of Harding University and prominent people associated with the school, as well as to the history of the churches of Christ and the Stone-Campbell movement.

Harding University strives to make many resources available and useful to our faculty, staff, students, alumni, researchers and the general public. This includes historical materials that may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes. Such materials should be viewed in the context of the relevant time period. Rather than remove this content, we want to humbly recognize our past and commit to creating a greater awareness of what Christ calls us to be now and in the future.

Our digital collection is continually growing. Please visit the digital archives often to see what is new.


Browse the Archives and Special Collections:

1979 Time Capsule

Archives & Special Collections Scrapbooks

Commencement Programs

Harding Bulletins

Harding Magazines

Harding University Catalogs

Harding University Chapel

Image Collection

Jim Bill McInteer Archive

Lectureship Archives

Old Paths Archive Gospel Radio Broadcasts

Oral Histories

Petit Jean Yearbooks

Spring Sing

Student Association

Theatre Programs and Posters

The Belden Center for ​Private Enterprise Education

The Bison

Workshops and Seminars

Wyatt Sawyer Archive