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READ poster featured: Lisa Burley, Librarian
Book selected: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Date poster was featured: June 2012

Comments by Lisa Burley about the book:
"The Poisonwood Bible is a beautifully written account of one family's missionary adventure in the Republic of Congo, Africa during the time of political revolution in the 1960's. Although the family's patriarch, Nathan Price, is a central character in the book, the entire novel is narrated by his wife and four daughters, each in her own voice. Poisonwood Bible spans several decades, and explores the effects of life in Africa on each member of the Price family.

Kingsolver also raises important questions regarding the lines between faith, religion, politics, and culture. Do our missionary methods seek to connect the unchurched with God or with Western cultural values? Is Democracy always the best form of government for a people? How involved should one culture be in deciding what is best for another? Kingsolver's lyrical prose and ability to create authentic voice for multiple characters combine to produce a strong work of fiction. Her firsthand knowledge of Congolese culture and the politics of the era also provide an education for readers. Each time I've read Poisonwood, I find myself staying up late at night and letting the dishes sit in the sink. Unlike my first experience, I know what to expect, yet I'm still drawn into the story and cannot wait to turn each page."

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READ Poster, Lisa Burley
