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READ poster featured: David Cole, Chemistry
Book selected: The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
Date poster was featured: September 2012

Comments by David Cole about the book:
“The Case for a Creator” provides multiple lines of scientific evidence that indicate the universe, the world, and life did not just happen, but were brought into existence by a purposeful creator. When so many voices are saying it is all here by random chance, it is important that the physical evidence that points to an intelligent creator also be known. A person, particularly a person in the sciences, does not have to park his brains to believe in a Creator.

Lee Strobel is a journalist. So, the book is well-written and reads easily. It might even be described as “captivating” – even for a person who does not have a strong science background. Strobel begins as an atheist, or at least an agnostic, and writes like he is on a quest for truth and describes searching out evidence that flew in the face of what he had always believed. The book is not a collection of cold, hard facts, but is filled with Strobel’s own struggle with the evidence.

It is an excellent beginning into what might be called “Christian evidences.”

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READ Poster, David Cole
