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READ poster featured: Paul Pollard, Bible
Book selected: Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing
Date poster was featured: May 2014

Comments by Paul Pollard about the book:
My book is Endurance---the story of Sir Ernest Shackleton's voyage to the Antarctic in 1914 and the breakup of their ship, the Endurance, when it was trapped in the ice. It is high adventure in the best sense of the word! For seventeen months, the crew drifted on an ice pack after their ship was lost and then looking for help made an 850 mile voyage in a twenty-two foot open lifeboat while facing the stormiest seas on the globe. It is truly a story of endurance, adventure, courage and desire to overcome in the face of stupendous obstacles. It is a lesson today for people experiencing difficulties in their lives and the struggle to survive.

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Harding University


READ Poster, Paul Pollard
