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READ poster featured: Greg and Kim Laing, English and History and Political Science
Book selected by Greg: The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún by J.R.R. Tolkien
Book selected by Kim: The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon
Date poster was featured: February 2017

Comments by Greg Laing about the book:
Everyone knows Tolkien for his epic fantasy adventure stories, but he was also a professional literary scholar passionate about mythology, linguistics, and storytelling. This book is his poetic rendition of the Norse saga of Sigurd the Dragon-slayer, a character defined by his heroics, strength, and passion - yet Sigurd's story is also a moral one designed to highlight how the pursuit of worldly glory and wealth is actually an empty, unsatisfying effort. Sigurd is mentioned in the poem Beowulf, which many students study, yet few people actually know Sigurd's tale or why the author of Beowulf compares this hero to Sigurd in order to explain how the hero at the height of his power should be humble and not expect worldly recognition to last.

Comments by Kim Laing about the book:
Sometimes it takes a good piece of fiction to illustrate difficult messages. I regularly reread this book and recommend it to my friends because I think that it does just that. Elizabeth Moon walks through the hard questions of friendship, courage, identity, and responsibility in a way that I think is incredibly relatable and memorable. As a book lover, it is always hard to say which one is my "favorite," but if I a recommending a great read which might just make you think more than you expect, I recommend The Deed of Paksenarrion.

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Harding University


READ Poster, Kim Laing, Greg Laing
