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READ poster featured: Library Student Workers
Book selected: The Shack by William P. Young
Date poster was featured: April 2017

Comments by Library Student Workers about the book:
This book isn't just a good piece of Christian fiction with a touch of thriller and mystery. Instead, this book changed my life. It changed how I view God, how I relate to Jesus, and how I recognize the Spirit working in my life and the lives of others. Initially, one might think of it as weird or unbiblical. However, Young oddly and perfectly depicts the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as bodies who interact with the protagonist Mack in my favorite place, Heaven. Mack's time with the Trinity helped him accept the things he can't change, get a glimpse into what eternity holds, and understand what Love truly means. The Shack is a place where I cannot wait to live someday, but until then, I hold onto the pearls of peace and wisdom Young provided in this genius piece of fiction.
~ Jeanie Linton, Library Student Worker

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READ Poster, Library Student Workers
