HST Graduates and Commencements
Creation Date
Warren Thomas Baldwin, Jr., MAR
Jimmie D. Brewer, DMin
John Greer Brownlow, MTh -- Also listed in the 1985 program
Jefferson Ralph Caruthers, Jr., MTh
Dick Alan Clay, MTh
Neil Alexander Clay, MAR
Gary Ray Cline, MAR
James L. Cutter, MTh
Mark Wayne Davis, MTh
Gregory Lee Fay, MA
Paul Allen Fike, MTh
Brent Alan Gallagher, MAR
Christopher Keith Haddock, MAR
John Louis Hall, MAR
Michael Norris Harding, MAR
Verlon E. Harp, MAR
Dave William Hogan, MTh
James Lee (Jim) Holway, MAR
Windell Morgan Howard, MTh
Michael Wayne Ireland, DMin
Roger L. Johnson, MAR
Chuck Jones, MAR
Michael W. Jordan, MTh
Tony Ray Keesee, MAR
Marlin Elbon Kilpatrick, MTh
Robert James Klukas, MAR
Robert Brent McDoniel, MAR
Michael Allen McLoud, MAR
Willie J. Nettle, MTh
Jay Leslie Pettey, MTh
Timothy Lee Richardson, MAR
Thomas A. Riley, MAR -- Also listed in the 1988 program
Paul Douglas Robison, MA
Frederick Hubert Strasser, MTh
Paul W. Wilcoxson, Jr., MAR
Kenneth D. Wiles, MAR -- Also listed in the 1988 program
David Michael Young, MA
Administrators & Faculty:
Robert Rudyard (Bob) Amis -- Director of Student Services -- Benediction
Bonnie Baker -- Assistant Librarian
Robert Allen Black, Jr. -- Assistant Professor of New Testament
Douglas Eugene Brown, Jr. -- Associate Professor of Christian Doctrine
David B. Burks -- President, Harding University -- Address
Jim Chester -- Director, Harding Academy of Memphis A Cappella Chorus. Adjunct Instructor of Church Music
Bill W. Flatt -- Registrar and Professor of Counseling
Joel Johnson -- Associate Professor of Counseling
Jack P. Lewis -- Professor of Bible
Joe Mac Lynn -- Professor of Ministry
Don L. Meredith -- Librarian
Richard E. (Rick) Oster -- Associate Professor of New Testament
Carl Philip Slate -- Dean and Professor of Preaching and Missiology
William Leake (Bill) Srygley -- Adjunct Instructor of Youth Ministry
Earl West, Jr. -- Professor of Church History
W. B. West, Jr. -- Dean Emeritus and Emeritus Professor of New Testament
Lee Harris -- Song leader
Harry B. Risinger, Jr. -- Member, Board of Trustees
Harold Shank -- Minister, Highland Street Church of Christ -- Invocation
Harding School of Theology