HST Graduates and Commencements
Creation Date
David Bragg, MAR
Larry Avis Brown, MAR
Steve Brown, MDiv
Anthony James Fischetto, MDiv
Michael R. Fleming, MDiv
Charles Allan Fowler, DMin
Barry Clifford Gaynor, MDiv
Carlus Wayne Gupton, Jr., MDiv
George Arthur Hankins, MDiv
Barbara Lee Hill, MAR
Keith Brian Huey, MDiv
Homer Alexander Hunter, MDiv
Yi-shou (David) Hwang, MAR
Thomas Wayne Keener, MDiv
David Justice Ladd, MDiv
Roger D. Lee, MDiv
John Edward Lusk, MAR
James T. (Jim) Martin, Jr., DMin
Curtis Daniel McClane, MDiv
John Patrick McCormack, MDiv
Byung Hwa Moon, MDiv
Shane Irving O'Connor, MAR
David Bruce Owens, MAR
Theodore Hamilton Parks, MA
Carson Early Reed, MDiv
Thomas A. Riley, MAR -- Also listed in the 1987 program
Matthew J. Rosta, MAR
Harry Alcide Smith, III, MDiv
Roy L. Stephenson, MDiv
Ronald D. Wade, MAR
Thomas Lee Walker, MDiv
Cindy S. Westfall, MAR
Kenneth D. Wiles, MAR -- Also listed in the 1987 program
James D. Wilson, Jr., MAR
Annie Jewell Scott Young, MAR
Administrators & Faculty:
Robert Rudyard (Bob) Amis -- Director of Student Services -- Invocation
Robert Allen Black, Jr. -- Assistant Professor of New Testament
David B. Burks -- President, Harding University
Jim Chester -- Director, Harding Academy of Memphis A Cappella Chorus. Adjunct Instructor of Church Music
Bill W. Flatt -- Registrar and Professor of Counseling
Evertt W. Huffard -- Associate Professor of Missiology -- Benediction
Joel Johnson -- Associate Professor of Counseling -- Song leader
Jack P. Lewis -- Professor of Bible
Richard E. (Rick) Oster -- Associate Professor of New Testament
Melanie L. Pennington -- Assistant Librarian
Jack R. Reese -- Assistant Professor of Preaching
Carl Philip Slate -- Dean and Professor of Preaching and Missiology
William Leake (Bill) Srygley -- Adjunct Instructor of Youth Ministry
Earl West, Jr. -- Professor of Church History
W. B. West, Jr. -- Dean Emeritus and Emeritus Professor of New Testament
E. Claude Gardner -- President, Freed-Hardeman College -- Address
Harry B. Risinger, Jr. -- Member, Board of Trustees
Harding School of Theology