HST Graduates and Commencements
Creation Date
Thomas R. Allen, MTh
Dana C. Baldwin, MAR
Donald E. Belcher, MTh
Kevin Charles Bishop, MTh
Robert L. Bonner, MTh
Keith Edwin Book, MTh
Reece Vernon Boyd, DMin
Kenneth R. Brantingham, MAR
Stephen Edward Broyles, MTh
Joe Stephen Brumfield, MAR
John Edward Brush, MAR
Leslie Scott Chapman, MTh
Darrell Hilton Clark, MTh
Kenneth Robert Clay, MAR
Gayle Marvin Crowe, DMin
Shawn Zeal Daggett, MTh
Byron Lee Fike, MAR
Mark Kevin Finn, MTh
Dale Sherrod Foster, MAR
Robert Arthur Harms, MTh
John Randall Herndon, MTh
Gary Louis Holmes, MTh
Chester Stephen Housley, MAR
Mark S. Howell, MAR
Joon Seo Kee, MTh
Timothy Kevin Legg, MAR
Leslie Don Maloney, MTh
David Claude Mathis, MAR
Roger Davis McMahon, Jr., MAR
Philip Alfred Murray, MTh
Michael Potts, MTh
David Wayne Powell, MTh
William O. Pratt, MAR
Sandra Jayne Pulley-Norris, MAR
Martin Wayne Pyle, MAR
Stephen Paul Pylkas, MTh
Robert Edward (Eddie) Randolph, I, MTh
Craig Edward Richardson, MAR
Stephen Dan Rook, MA
William Howard (Bill) Searcy, DMin
Christopher D. Smith, MTh
William Robert Smith, MTh
Mark R. Sneed, MA
Ross Thomson, MTh
Charles Ray Tucker, Jr., MAR
Mark Byron Wade, MTh
Michael Marion Waldrop, MAR
Administrators & Faculty:
Robert Rudyard (Bob) Amis -- Director of Student Services -- Invocation
Bonnie Baker -- Assistant Librarian
Robert Allen Black, Jr. -- Instructor of New Testament
Douglas Eugene Brown, Jr. -- Assistant Professor of Christian Doctrine
Jim Chester -- Director, Harding Academy of Memphis A Cappella Chorus. Adjunct Instructor of Church Music
Bill W. Flatt -- Registrar and Professor of Counseling
Clifton L. (Cliff) Ganus, Jr. -- President, Harding University
Harold H. Hazelip -- Dean and Professor of Christian Doctrine -- Address
Joel Johnson -- Associate Professor of Counseling -- Song leader
Jack P. Lewis -- Professor of Bible
Joe Mac Lynn -- Professor of Ministry
Don L. Meredith -- Librarian
Richard E. (Rick) Oster -- Associate Professor of New Testament
John P. Simpson -- Adjunct Instructor of Preaching
Carl Philip Slate -- Professor of Preaching and Missiology
William Leake (Bill) Srygley -- Adjunct Instructor of Youth Ministry
Earl West, Jr. -- Professor of Church History
W. B. West, Jr. -- Dean Emeritus and Emeritus Professor of New Testament -- Benediction
Kenneth Davis, Jr. -- Director, Harding University A Cappella Chorus
Harding School of Theology