White County Heritage Journal
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Status of Veterans' Memorial Project by Hank Fulbright
Spanish Land Grant
My Dear Wife and Children by Wm. R. Young
The Humorous History of White County, Arkansas by Claude E. Johnson
White County, Arkansas Post Offices by Claude E. Johnson
Arkansas Civil War Veterans by Neal Kimmel
Children of John Peter Aclin by Martha Hubbard
John Peter Aclin by Martha Hubbard
Dream Shattered But Promised Land Found by Gladys Richardson
Mabel Vaughan Stokes (Taped and written Mar. 1996) by Cloie Presley
Missouri & North Arkansas Motor Car, Kensett
Son Collects Father's Songs by Leister E. Presley
Judsonia - Arkansas Postcard Past(from Arkansas Democrat Gazette)
Camp Pike - Arkansas Postcard Past
Mount Olive and Bedford Chapel Community by Lynn Funnell
Arkansas State Highway Maps (from Hwy. Dept.)
Historical Society Publications
Presley Research Publications
Publication Date
White County Historical Society, Inc.
Searcy, Arkansas
Recommended Citation
White County Historical Society. (1996). White County Heritage 1996. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.harding.edu/wchs-heritagejournal/17