White County Heritage Journal
White County Heritage 2010
White County Historical Society
Presidental Message by Mary Beth Waters
Buford M. Maddox
White County Publications
Recently Reprinted Works
My Father Was A Cpl. In the U.S. Army by Diann Poe
Azalee by Ray Tolar
Things sure have changed!!
Little League Baseball in Searcy Began Sixty Years Ago
1950’s Sandwich Menu from Woodworths
Up from the Cotton Fields by Helen Stinnett
Houseboat Child by Fannie Brown
New Dixie Drive-In Theater
Jack Edward Caldwell
The John P. May Family in Searcy by Milton Davis May
A Different Use for Onion?
Reflections On A Local Legend by Cliff Roberts
Searcy Population Tops 6,000 in 1950 U.S. Census
Life at Harding College in the 1930s by Fayetta Coleman Murray
Who Killed Searcy Detective Albert Parker? by Warren Watkins
A Brief History of the Mason Jar
Remembering Godden Hall by Clifton L. Ganus Jr.
Nostalgia: Oscar Saxton by Pat Weaver
Nostalgia: Carrie Cook by Pat Weaver
Yesterday, Once More by Jennifer L. Marcussen
White County Patents by David Dawson
What’s in a Name? by Milton Davis May
Duck Hill?
West Point Men Enlisting in Company G, 15th Arkansas Infantry
Soldiers Who Died at Duck Hill, MS
Men From Other States
Trail Trees
Country Roads to City Streets
Index -
White County Heritage 2009
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Tony Young
White County Publications
Romance's Artist in Overalls by Kristy Pollard
Dr. Muncy's History Is a Scholarly Tribute to the City by Perrin Jones
Lord of the Rings: Smyrna Is the Oldest Church by Bill Leach
Story of the Rock: Gold Map or Grandpa's Joke? by Eddie Best
Looking for the Fabled Pink Mint by Ray Toler Jr.
Living to 100, Thanks to God, Mom and Onions by Shirley Hughes
My Original Steel Magnolia by Linda Temple Acrey
Civil War Veterans by Leroy Blair
You Run, We Gun: Judsonia Fights Crime in the '30s
The Crosby Friendship Quilt by Helen Stinnett
The Night Screwballs Ran the Rialto by Wendell Wyatt
Searcy Daily Citizen December 30, 1931
1906 to 1941: Searcy's Distinguished Alumni by John E. Miller Jr.
Record Catfish Catch (photo)
Pangburn Was a Struggle for the Boyles by Eual Boyles
World's Fair Oak (photo) by Pauline Cleaver
An Inside Look at Baseball's Legendary Preacher Roe by Scott Goode
Memories of the MoPac Bus by Tom Pry
92 Miles of M&NA Track in One Year by Erma Stevenson
DK&S Memories by Otha Foust
“Letters from Arkansas” by George Engelmann (submitted by Shirley Schuette)
Rose Bud's First Druggist by Milton Davis May
The Mary Ann Davis Link at Rose Bud by Milton Davis May
War of 1812 Veteran Was Floyd's First Settler by Claude Johnson
Letters & E-mails
u ben doin hisstery too long? by Scott Akridge -
White County Heritage 2008
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Tony Young
White County Publications
Old Railroad Car Underwent Many Changes by Jim Wakefield
Teaching at White Oak by Homer Fulbright
Stuart Coffey: Barber, Fighter, Storyteller by Ann Henry
Let's Mark Our Historic Sites by Scott Akridge
Red Cross Poster Girl by Janis Cantwell
The Soldier From Marsh Mountain by James Wesley Marsh
Cousin Howard Marsh's Story by Heber Taylor
A House on Marsh Mountain by Glenda Marsh Williams
Appreciating My Mother by Raymond W. Toler Jr.
The Harbors at Bald Knob Lake by Robert Adair
Miss Frona, Voice of Judsonia by W.E. Orr
Shew and Monday, Judsonia Blacksmiths c. 1915 (photo)
A Benefactor for Bullock Cemetery by Cheryl Shaver
The Amazing Adams Brothers by Richard O. White
How a Beebe Business Survived the Depression by R. V. Powell
Memories of the Tom King Family by Thomas B. King Jr.
Elywon's Excellent Adventures by Shirley Finch Hughes
Rose Bud's Mystery Rock
Isaacs Family at Hopewell Church by Milton Davis May
We Was Brought Up To Work in the Fields by Ann Henry
The 1936-37 Time Capsule by Leon Van Patten
1936 Searcy High Student Newspapers (submitted by Leon Van Patten)
Give a Gift Membership
Old Landmarks of Searcy by E.H. Brown
Dog Days of Searcy by Perrin Jones
Searcy Dream Homes of 1914 (donated by Jeanne Mytton)
More on the Searcy Branch RR by Raymond W. Toler Jr.
Dime at a Time by Peggy Ann Boggs
Searcy High School Class of 1954 (photo submitted by Anita Hart Fuller)
French Town Honors Soldier From Searcy by Sherry Snow
Letters & E-mails
Christmas at the Gravel Hill Country Store by Dr. Calvin C. Turpin -
White County Heritage 2007
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Tony Young
White County Publications
Strawberry Heyday by Paul E. Miller
Strawberry Boom, Box Bonanza by Paul E. Miller
Strawberry Growers by Paul E. Miller
Where the Strawberry Went by Paul E. Miller
150 Years of Newspapers by Michael Bruce Dougan
1929 White County Citizen
The Great Train Robbery of 1893 by Ray Rains
Only 25 Witness Triple Hanging
Civil War Train Wreck by Norman L. Ezell
The M&NA Moving Van by Leon Van Patten
Railroad Ransom: History of Searcy RR by Bill Pollard
Back To Pearl Harbor by Linda S. Caillouett
1875 Sliter Letters From Bradford by Judith K. Keller
Searching for Snooky by Margaret Ross
White County Cattle Drives by Heber Taylor
The Rose Bud Town Spring by Milton Davis May
Teaching in the Heel & Head at West Point by Homer Fulbright
Hymns For Senior Citizens
Autobiography of a 1927 Pangburn Senior by Herchel Faulkner
Letters & E-mails -
White County Heritage 2006
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Dewitt Yingling
White County Publications
Beasts Outside My Window by J. Allen Whitt
Murder in the Pleasant Grove Church by Coy R. Benton
A Rough Start at Griff in 1932 by Homer Fulbright
Silas Cox Never Made It Home by Marianne S. Welch
Big News in Small Towns of 1930 by Venson M. Henderson
Judsonia Blacksmith Built a Car in 1908 by Bill Helbron
The Jowers of Judsonia by Shirley A. Finch Hughes
Judson University
Hard Times on a Railroad Gang by Marion M. Noble
Injustice by Kitty Shook
The Silent Christmas of 1926 by Adele Meacham Wood
Remembering the Early Days at Clay by Glen Majors
William Doyle Married Three Sisters by Dean A. Doyal
Sweet Memories of Honey Hill by Mary Russell Collins
People Were Like Squirrels by Lequeita Booker Dicks
The Old Pillowcase by Marylin Martin
Memories of Mr. Radio by Raymond W. Toler
Following in Gerstaecker's Footsteps by Heber Taylor
Drake Spur 1914-15 by Leister Presley
White County Paupers Farm by Martha Harris Poplin
Edd Fox and His Air Conditioner by James W Fuller
Recording Cemeteries as Archeological Sites by Scott Akridge
Brewer-Honoway Roots at Dogwood by Wayland Holloway
Little-Known Medal of Honor Winner by Gary Telford
The Clarks of Bald Knob by Alvis E. Clark
Letters & E-mails
Christmas Fog by James W. Fuller -
White County Heritage 2005
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Dewitt Yingling
White County Publications
The McDaniels at Russell in 1898 by Laura Lafferty
Curtis' Illusive Little Rock by Scott Akridge & Emmett Powers
May 29, 1930, News
Aunt Lucy and the Ladies' Aid Society by Ray D. Rains
1915 Edition of Pangburn News
White County Word Hunt by Lucille Smith Harris
They Called Me Lucky by Robert James Palmer
Walker School 1929-30 (submitted by Bill Leach)
A Son Remembers the Song Writer by Leister Presley
Searcy Memories by Lucille Smith Harris
May 30, 1940, News
Rose Bud Cotton Gins by Milton Davis May
Name These Arkansas Towns
Simeon and Birdie of Bethesda by Ima Grice Thomas Ransom
From 'Shine Runner' to Colonel
Last Days of the Busche Brothers by Andrea Isaac Adams
Old Clock Chimes Again
Searcy Tooth Doctor by Raymond W. Toler
Venezuelan Remembers Morris School by Dr. Henry Haddad
One Big Rock by Heber Taylor
We Called It Kentucky Valley by Jess A. Pruett
Bushwhackers, Gypsies & Ghosts at Floyd by Ina Leach
Pathways of the Past by Syble Fritts
Angels In A Pickup (submitted by Jo Ann Taylor)
Letters & E-mails -
White County Heritage 2004
White County Historical Society
Pioneer Village Depot
President's Message by Ron Busbea
White County Publications
Aunt Estella's Scrapbook (submitted by Mary Reynolds)
Lost Dreams at Devil's Tea Table by Paul E. Miller
Story of a Muzzle Loader by Jimmy Gill
Old Black Pot Has a War Story by Elizabeth Short
Drug Problem in the Good Old Days
Confederate Finally Gets a Tombstone by Milton D. May
Civil War Letter
Snake Tales From Snaky Acres by Billie Willingham
Once Upon a Town by Tim Bruner
Growing Up in Smyrna by Sam C Sowell
Deener & Dobbins Came in 1877 by Sam C. Sowell
Smyrna Church Pastors (submitted by Kara Spence)
Kensett Skeeters Chase the Hendersons by T.E. Henderson II
Neal School 1912
Mary Armstrong Diaries by Mildred Staerkel
The Yarnell WWII Letters by Dorothy Yarnell Warden
White County Cartoonist George Fisher by Ernest Dumas
Thanks for the Memories by Ray Toler
1931 Searcy Football Team
Gaylon Smith: Simply The Best by Heber Taylor
Oh Grandpa, Where Art Thou? By Glen M. Majors
Letters & E-mails
Bits of El Paso Church History by Maria Henson -
White County Heritage 2003
White County Historical Society
President's Message by Ron Busbea
White County Publications
Searcy History Was America's Birthday Gift by Eloise Muncy
It Takes a Village to Move Pioneer Village by Bill Leach
History of Armstrong Springs Resort by Mildred Kitts Staerkel
Jacob Douglas Armstrong Family by Leah Dewberry Moss
Armstrong Springs Milestones
Armstrong Springs' Schoolhouse by Juanita Bogard
Birth and Death of Morris School by Eddie Best
Too Hot For the French by Ed Sanders
Saying Goodbye Was Hard To Do
Like a Weaver's Last Thread by Julian Lane
Growing Up At Crosby in the 1940s by Robert J. Finch
A Mixed Bag of Memories by Shirley F. Hughes
Poor John and the Fleas by Ray D. Rains
Bill Owens and the Georgetown Bridge
Remembering the May Bus Line by Milton D. May
Camp Pike Postcard
White County Roots
Shiloh School 1921 (submitted by Donald Price)
Miss B Was a Great Patriot by R.C. McCourt
Names by Steven E.F. Brown
Little Red Bridge 1909 (submitted by Howard Hensley)
Searcy Football for Paul Hickman by Rick Butler
The El Paso Quicks by Shelly Wyatt Keech
Letters & E-mails
Using GPS to Record Historic Sites by Scott Akridge
Post Office Picture 150 Years Ago -
White County Heritage 2002
White County Historical Society
President's Message by William E. "Bill" Leach
White County Publications
What Happened in the Titan II Silo? by Dr. David Stumpf
'It Was Scary Down There' by David Lowery
A Full Measure, Good Top to Bottom by Jimmy Turley
Doc Rayburn's ll-year-old Raider by Eddie Best
Mama's New Cook Stove by Christina Doyle Spear
White County Roots
How To Obtain Arkansas Vital Records by Ed Sanders
The Piker Letters From Bradford by Eddie Best
The Lost Black History by Frances A. Tolliver
Hard Times, High Fur Prices by Maurice O. Thompson
1912 Fishing Trip by Bob Highsmith
Grandpa Tharp's Last Story by Adele Wood
Fox Hunting in the Roaring Twenties by Everett Edwards
Early Dental Care by Christina Doyle Spear
Memories of the Cobbites of 1876 by Heber Taylor
A Time of Religious Aberrations by Ed Sanders
Unforgettable Music by Farris Wood
Message To Genealogists by County Clerk Doug Faith
Hanging Around at Harding by Judie Kinonen
The Big Sleet of 1932 by R.C. McCourt
Cotton Started the Pickens Chapel Church by Billie Willingham
Are These Men Eligible for the War Memorial? by Eddie Best
Fun Times in Papa's Tidy Corncrib by Averil Beaver
The Ellis Scrapbooks (courtesy of Dorothy Yarnell Warden)
Letters & E-mails
Christmas Time in Yester Years by R.C. McCourt -
White County Heritage 2001
White County Historical Society
President's Message by William E. "Bill" Leach
Historical Society Charter Members
Men Oughta Do the Milking by Christina Doyle Spear
A Ride on the Biggest Turtle I Ever Saw by Walter E. Wisdom
Stuck in the Golden Age by Bob Douglas
West Point 1905 Postcard by Steven Hanley
Lonnie Glosson, Harmonica Ambassador by Marcella Pry
How to Order Lonnie's Music
Cotton Gins and Giggle Water by R.C. McCourt
1918 Arkansas Motor Vehicle License
My Experiences As A Prisoner of War by Warren B. Thornton
Beebe Freshman Class of 1940 (submitted by Mary Reynolds)
Cursing the Yankees at Center Hill by Dr. B.H. Carlton
White County 1910 Postcard by Steven Hanley
Floyd's Tar Heel Confederate by Richard O. White
An Old Soldier Looks Back On His War by L.D. Davis
1929 Arkansas Poll Tax Receipt
The Civil War in 1864 by W.M. "Buck" Scott
Why The Pioneers Sifted Their Flour
Old Soldier's Death Makes Front Page News (sumbitted by Anita Leslie)
Where Are the Minutes of Mount Pleasant? by Eddie Best
White County Roots
The Church and the Consolidated School by Henry A. Stroup
Living With Aliens at Kensett by Bob Douglas
Searcy 1912 Baseball Team (submitted by Roger Williams)
Letona Schooldays by Corinne H. Hart
Harry & Newbern's Excellent Adventure by Mary A.Chambers
White County Histories For Sale
Help Wanted & Other Letters of Interest
Headlee's Drug Store, Searcy, 1937 (sumbitted by Searcy Daily Citizen)
He Ran A College A Year for $65 in Pay by Virgil Hunt
See You at www.rootsweb.com/~arwhite by Eddie Best -
White County Heritage 2000
White County Historical Society
Remembering Our First President by Eddie Best
Georgetown to Jupiter by Irene Emde
Orphan of the Storm by Averil Beaver
Internet? You Bet! Try www.rootsweb.com/~arwhite
White County Roots
The Silers And the McCauleys by Iva Mae Wright
1900 Bald Knob Postcard by Steven Hanley
Nancy Fletcher O'Kelly McCauley by Gloria Estlin
Doc Was Welcome at the Table by Eddie Best
1917 Armstrong Springs Baseball Team
Robert R. Douglas: Journalist Who Got It Right by Scott Morris
Hospitality in the Hobo Jungle by Earnest Best
Logging Trains on the M&NA by Bill Pollard
The Original Mule Train by Claude Johnson
An Indian Village at Judsonia? by W.E. Orr
Zomogo Hood, Medicine Woman by Bob Sallee
Early White County Memories by Christina Doyle Spear
Hog Killing in the 1920s
Surviving the Tonsil Clinic of 1930
Sunday Afternoon Baptizing
The Whittens From Steprock
Farm Life in the 1920s
The Doyles and Yinglings
Senior Year for the Bus Kids
Mount Pisgah by Heber Taylor
Reverend Esther Marsh Smith by Howard Johnson
Married 64 Years by Virginia Hicks Lightle
Agri Pioneers: The Lamberts by Eddie Best
History of the Agricultural Extension Service, 1912-17
The Lambert Lineage by Bob Lambert
Lowery Family History by W.E. Orr
Civil War Doctor Honored by Scott Akridge
Civil War Calendar
Missouri Pacific Section Hands at Bradford, 1924
Letters of Interest
White County Histories Order Form
Oldest Courthouse - Newest Lights (cover) -
White County Heritage 1999
White County Historical Society
Pearls For Your Pocket: Our president finds treasures from the past by Eddie Best
White County Roots
Wilbur D. Mills, Freshman Congressman: A second look at the remarkable Man From Kensett by Kay Goss
Harding University Observes Its 75th Year by Ashley Miller
Harding Timeline: Milestones in the growth of a university
The Day the College Moved: A young girl moves to a new campus with her family in 1934 by Fayetta Coleman Murray
Burned the Mortgage: Thanksgiving was a special time in '39 by Elton English
History of the Harding Swing: How to make the Symbol of education and romance
First Meetings of the Church of Christ: Two versions of how it began in Searcy
White County 1905 Postcard
Galloway Girls: Once a premiere college in the South by Janis Cantwell
And Then Came Electricity: An ill-fated power company falls victim to the Flood of '27 by Ray D. Rains
Wing and a Prayer: Plainview native Jim Dumas tells of years as a fighter pilot by Heber Taylor
Beebe Postcard 1910
Mule Headed: The animal was puzzling but important by Earnest Best
Junior Agricu1tural College of Central Arkansas: 1937 pictures and a 1942 program at Beebe
Newspapering Was Her Destiny: Remembering Jamie Jones Young, musician and journalist by Linda S. Caillouet
The Story of Roosevelt Community by Averil Beaver
100th Anniversary ofRoosevelt Missionary Baptist Church
Teaching in 1935 For $40 A Month
Letters of Interest
Charter Members & Past Presidents of the Historical Society
White County Histories Order Form -
White County Heritage 1998
White County Historical Society
Stories From Ina & Others: Our president dedicates this issue to Ina Leach & exhorts us by Eddie Best
C.W. Riggins Family of Kensett
New White County War Memorial Is Dedicated: The old bell tolls for 172 on "A Day To Remember"
Those We Remember
The Day We Saluted "The Beer Barrel Polka" by Leister Presley
Wilbur D. Mills, Young Populist Leader by Kay Goss (Introduction by Darrell Hickman)
Reflections on a Long-Gone Railroad: Legend of "The Great Atterberry" by Eddie Best
The Little Train to Des Arc: Memories from a man searching for an orphans home by Earnest L. Best
Meeting the Train by R.C. McCourt
"The Awful M&NA Strike" by Hallie C. Ormond
Making Horseshoes & Charming Snakes: Interview with former blacksmith J.D. Wheetley by Eddie Best
Shooting Anvils on Armistice Day: Interview with Paul Hickman by Eddie Best
The Searcy of 1928 by Corinne Harrison Hart (She was a graduating senior 70 years ago.)
Book Review - "Battle of Whitney's Lane" by Thomas DeBlock
War Memorial Video Order Form
The Judsonia Story by Jamie Jones
March 21, 1952: Judsonia's brief season in hell by Bob Sallie
The Morning After: A two-part series from the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette by Bob Sallee.
Letters of Interest
Subject Index - 37 Years of White County Heritage (Here's what we've covered since 1961.)
Searcy Hotel
White County Histories Order Form (The next Heritage is coming in January, so order now!)
The White County Time Machine: When it rains, Euin travels hack to his childhood by Eddie Best -
White County Heritage 1997
White County Historical Society
Dedication, W.E. Orr
Mr. SMS, W.E. Orr
One-Room Schools by Ruth Couch
Lookin' Down Main by W.E. Orr (reprint from White County Record)
Obituary, W.E. Orr (reprint from Daily citizen)
Inquiry, German Americans in Arkansas
Col. Jacob Frolich, Jr., by Heber Taylor
Edwards Sisters by Fiona I. Sohns
Battle of Whitney's Lane (newspaper article)
White Co. War Memorial update by Hank Fulbright
Yarnell's Ice Cream Company by Eddie Best
Some Thoughts of the Past by Leister E. Presley
- Kitchen Safe Episode
- Well Windless Accident
- The Old Armstrong House
- A Missing Sweater
- The Old White Oak Basket
- Rich Pine Kindling Trip
- A Moonlight Skating Affair
Mack Butler, 1952 (newspaper clipping)
Down Memory Lane by R.C. McCourt
Pangburn Telephone Directory, 1928
Pangburn Town Charter and Ordinances
History of Pangburn, 1959 (reprint of Lions Club Publication)
Historical Society Membership
Historical society PUblications -
White County Heritage 1996
White County Historical Society
Status of Veterans' Memorial Project by Hank Fulbright
Spanish Land Grant
My Dear Wife and Children by Wm. R. Young
The Humorous History of White County, Arkansas by Claude E. Johnson
White County, Arkansas Post Offices by Claude E. Johnson
Arkansas Civil War Veterans by Neal Kimmel
Children of John Peter Aclin by Martha Hubbard
John Peter Aclin by Martha Hubbard
Dream Shattered But Promised Land Found by Gladys Richardson
Mabel Vaughan Stokes (Taped and written Mar. 1996) by Cloie Presley
Missouri & North Arkansas Motor Car, Kensett
Son Collects Father's Songs by Leister E. Presley
Judsonia - Arkansas Postcard Past(from Arkansas Democrat Gazette)
Camp Pike - Arkansas Postcard Past
Mount Olive and Bedford Chapel Community by Lynn Funnell
Arkansas State Highway Maps (from Hwy. Dept.)
Historical Society Publications
Presley Research Publications -
White County Heritage 1995
White County Historical Society
Mayor's Proclamation
Letter, Arkansas Historic Preservation
Searcy' First Armistice Day by Elbert "Flywheel" Morgan
WWII Veteran 50th Anniversary
Obituary: Maurice "Footsie" Britt (reprint from Ark. Democrat Gazette)
Letter from Lecil Brown
Toll Was Great on Merchant Ships by L.E. Brown
WW II Scrapbook (Property of Leister Presley)
- G.C. Davis Return Visit
- First GI's in Germany
- Also the Bulge
- Billy Angel Recalls Holocaust
- Rembering V-E Day by Modean Lowe
- He Can't Recall All by Dean Hunter
- Victory Division News
- Drake Spur Men in World War II by L. Presley
The After of the Civil War, in Arkansas by Powell Clayton
Life History of Oliver Perry Bland by Bland
Reunion held for Garner School
Edwards Family Letters by Wendell Ramsey
The Senate - 54th General Assembly (contributed by Mary Reynolds)
Talk Changes with Time
Morrilton Headlight by Cloie Presley
Grandmother's Teaching Career by Judy Haile
My Teaching Career by Judy Butler Haile
The Day Baseball Came to Beebe by J. Dewitt Yingling
Harris Cemetery (abandoned) by Cloie Presley
Bald Knob Banner's First Printer by Mrs. C.W. Baker
Yingling Names to Board by Searcy Citizen
A Strange Invitation by Rena Presley
The Coffeys in White County by Mrs. R.E. Crawford
Foster Cemetery (Bald Knob) by Ray & Lois Etheridge
City Clock
PIONEER VILLAGE - repeat for information
White County Tax List - First for County
Centennial History - Richard Searcy
Local Publications & Society Notes -
White County Heritage 1994
White County Historical Society
Arthur Pryor Strother - Dedication
The Dee M. Green Story by Dr. Dee M. Green
It Happened On Little Red River by Paul Miller
Christmas Memories by Peggy Wisdom
Story in Picture by Paul Sutherland
A Living History Museum for White County? It's Just Around the Corner! by Emmett Powers
Pioneer Village (collected material)
Infectious' Voice of Kindness' Brings Stories Old Days (Bob Buice) by Paul Johnson
From Mother's Scrapbook by Mary Reynolds
Titan Missile Silos - Historic Preservation
Preservation of Titan Missile Sites by Cloie Presley
Flash Fire Traps Workmen in Missile Silo (Abstracted from Searcy Daily Citizen, Aug. 10,1965)
2nd Missouri Cavalry (contributed by L. Sparkman)
Little Known Carrol Skirmish by Lyle Sparkman
Captain C.J. Hanks (collected by Dewitt Yingling)
Brundidge Family of Searcy and White County by Charlotte Carpenter Smith
Old River Bridge
- Finding Your Place in Your Family History by Cloie Presley
- The Trail of Elijah Richardson by Johnny VonRuedgisch & Cloie Presley
- Finding the Pickey Family Cemetery by J.E. McAllister
- Joseph Figg Family Findings (collected by Mary Reynolds)
Arkansas about 1834
Arkansas History Education Coalition
Book Reviews
Local Publications Available -
White County Heritage 1993
White County Historical Society
WELCOME - Civil War Round Table
Remarks on the History of Spring Park by W.E. Leach
Rude Awakening: The Struggle for Popular Support in 1868 White County by Chad Moser
Arkansas Postcard Past - Beebe
Brindletail Confederate by Lyle Sparkman
The Cook Family of White County, Arkansas by Sybil F. Crawford
Clark School by Paul E. Miller
Clearwater School by Paul E. Miller
Plainview High School by Paul E. Miller
Providence Owes Much to Its Earlier Settlers (copied)
The Rise and Fall of a Railroad Town: Bradford in Its First Sixty years by Bryce Thomason
John F. Randall (contributed by family)
A Trip Across Arkansas: 1878 by Paul E. Miller
Arkansas Historical Records Survey: Church Inventory by W.E. Leach
The Sayes by Elouise Scott
Letter from Walter W. Raney
Room and Board by Mary Dean Rice Reynolds
The Trail of Elijah Richardson by Cloie Presley
John Edward Lightle (contributed by family)
Wells Cemetery (Arkansas Archeological Survey(
From the Kniffin - Humphries Family History by Edith Neal Kniffin
Trails and Thrie Builders by Cloie Presley
Book Reviews
Local Publications Available -
White County Heritage 1992
White County Historical Society
Israel Merrick Moore: Early Searcy Benefactor by Mary Lou Dunn
Spring Park Through The Years by Betty Freiday
Plaque Honors I.M. Moore by Cloie Presley
Historical Monument At Oak Grove Cemetery by Cloie Presley
Steamboats Don't Come Here No More by Gene Harbert
Letter from Kevin L. Campbell
William Riley Campbell
Pangburn Soldier's Letter (WWI clipping) by Leon Van Patten
Riding With Chrisman by Lyle Sparkman (collection)
From Osage to Atomic-Age in Garner by W.J. Leach
Arkansas Post Card Past - Beebe Church (clipping)
Aunt Sadie's Fun Park Is Dedicated by Ina Leach
Letters From the Past (collected by Kelly Austin)
Judsonia Colored Cemetery by Paul Miller
Velvet Ridge Cemetery by Mr. & Mrs. Leister Presley
Oh! That Delicious Sun-Dried Fruit by Elouise Scott
A White County Memory by R.C. Mccourt
Conant: A White County Settlement by Ina Leach
Book Reviews by Cloie Presley
Local Publications Available -
White County Heritage 1991
White County Historical Society
Arkansas Heritage Weed
- From Footprints to Highways by Cloie Presley
- John Magness: Settled at Mt. Pisgah in 1820 by Nell Henry
- Settlers on Littel Red River by Cloie Presley
- Early Perils of Travel by James A. Hudgins
- Waterways in White County History by Betty Freiday
- The Men of Royal Colony by Cloie Presley
History Along the Searcy-Batesville Road by Paul Miller
Garner and the Sloan Family: Early Generations by W. Kelly Austin
Sloan Austin by W. Kelly Austin
Reminiscences of Days Past by Hinkle F. Tyler
The Fruit of a Loving Heart by Cloie Presley
Superstitions Known in White County in the Early 1900's by Ina Leach
The War Journal (reprint by permission)
Records of Car License Issued 1932 in the City of Searcy by Ina Leach
Ark. State Highway Dept. & Robert Boggan
History of Clay Community by Cloie Presley
Souvenir - School Dist. 21, Clay Township, White County, AR by Leon Van Patten
They Came Here by Virginia Bridges Smith
Stony Point Cemetery by Wendell Ramsey
Day of Infamy: Fifty Years Ago by R.C. McCourt
Uncharted Mesas by Virginia Bridges Smith
Book Reviews and Items of Local Interest -
White County Heritage 1990
White County Historical Society
William J. Leach - Dedication
The Chicago-Arkansas Colony by Paul Miller
A White County Who's Who for 1862 by Lyle Sparkman
Reminiscense of Lola Webb Bailey
Excursion Through the Slave States by G.W. Featherstonhaugh
The Big Rock Gives Birth to a Town by Elizabeth Short
Mary Ann Biggs: Her trials and survival by F. Marion Biggs
History of the White County Training School (copied)
William Anderson Prothro Family by N.G. Prothro
A Bit of Society News by Cloie Presley
Tracing a Story From an Old Picture by Cloie Presley
Written as My Grandfather Told Me by Robert Chapman
Down Memory Lane by R.C. McCourt
Query by Amy McKinney
DeSoto Trail (from Arkansas Gazette)
Record of Occupation Tax (from Searcy, Arkansas Records)
Cheek Cemetery by Willie Mae Smith
Query (Conant) by Judy Hoffer
Book Reviews and Items of Local Interest by Cloie Presley -
White County Heritage 1989
White County Historical Society
Mary E. Robbins Gifford - Dedication
Retired Merchant, C.D. Van Patten by Gladys Richardson
The Mysterious Case of Mr. VanMetre by Lyle Sparkman
History of Bradford, Ark. by Nancy Lynn Byler
The Miracle of Spring Water by Elizabeth Short
From the Tales of Frederick Gersteacker by Virginia Smith
New Exhibit Through the eyes of German Traveler (from Arkansas Traveler)
White County Courthouse Picture (saved by Richard Hill)
White County Courthouse Events by Cloie Presley
Contract for Building Court House (1870) County Court Record
Notes From May Hopper
Arkansas Historic Preservation Program
Table of Contents of Manuel of AHPP
Index of Contents of Manuel of AHPP
Will of Martin Sengley (contributed by Florence Norris)
Pension Application, G.W. Singley by Florence Norris
Points of Interest in Bald Knob
Traveling Old Roads
The Half Moon Replica
Morris Family Reunion
Weir Cemetery by Cloie Presley
Judsonia Bridge (Ark. Historic Preservation Program)
Mrs. Ellen Wakenight (newspaper clipping)
Ask Andy (newspaper clipping)
Arkansas Maps (Ark. Highway Dept.)
Lena Liles' Bible Record (contributed by Marcus Vandiver)
Local Publications -
White County Heritage 1988
White County Historical Society
Introduction War Reminiscences
Dandridge McRae: An Arkansas General by Faye O. Strother
United Daughters of the Confederacy
McRae Found Blameless Long After Helena Loss (from Arkansas Gazette) by Margaret Ross
Old Searcy in Time of War by Mike Caney
Letter from a Veteran by T.J. Oliphant
Roster of White County's First Company of Southern Soldiers
Roster of the Border Rangers c. 1861
Muster Roll of Company E. of Seventh Battalion 1861-62
Historical Society Tours Beebe Area
The Old Britt House by Helen Harrison
Single Shot Captures Confederate Transport (from Arkansas Gazette) by Margaret Ross
The Community of Egbert by Mrs. Kathleen Howerton
A Letter From Long Ago
The Insurrection (from Arkansas Gazette) by Margaret Ross
White County Court Records
Mt. Pisgah Community by Mrs. W.C. Welch
John F. Randall Papers
Young Civil War Hero in White County by Ralph Underhill
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Searcy Landing - August 13,1964
Secession Convention by Jesse N. Cypert
War Time Letters by Albert O. McCollom
West Point Cannon Ball by Ellen Key
Some Pioneer Families of Kensett by Ellen Key and Mrs. Jeff Cautrell
Civil War Days and After by Mrs. Kathryn Rogers Van Patten
The Blue and the Gray by Ruth Chaney
Library Lenders
Scrimmage at Moccasin Bend by Tammy Hoofman
An Old Letter by Loss Wiggs
Action at Ashley's Mill by Maj. Cal. Collier
Action at Ashley's Mill by Ruth Chaney
Sons of Confederate Veterans Membership Application
Capsule Regimental Histories
Civil War Notes from Past and Present
Civil War Letter by Benjamin Yarbrough
Capt. Howel A. "Doc" Rayburn
Battle of Whitney's Lane by Mrs. W.M. Lay
Battle of Whitney's Lane - Letters and Reports
War of the Rebellion, Official Orders (reprint)
Civil War Diary of Martin Van Buren Gentry -
White County Heritage 1987
White County Historical Society
Appreciation and Anticipation
Map: Town of Searcy c. 1841
The White County Heritage, 25 Years of Publication
Teaching White Co. History in the 21st Century by Sparkman
White County Architecturial Resources Survey by Mitchell
History of Liberty Baptist Church, Walker, Ark. by W.E. Leach
Minister's Credentials of 1860 & 1870's by W.E. Leach
Brush Arbors and Revivals by Ina Leach
Dinner on the Ground by W.J. Leach
Beebe School Year 1924-25 (clipping from Beebe News, 9/8/1977)
El Paso High School 1916-17 (clipping)
Life Inside the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission by Gilley
Early Settlers of White County by Cloie Presley
Map: Early Roads and Royal Colony
The Martin Jones Family of Jonesville, Tex. by Annie Nutt
Martin William "Gobbler" Jones by Annie Nutt
The Edwards Sisters Connection by Louis M. Crook Jr.
Scrimmage at Moccasin Bend by Tammy Hoofman
Map: Moccasin Bend and Beeler's Ferry
Beelers Ferry by William E. Leach
Cullum or Beal Cemetery
Thursday's Tornado by Cassandra Sample
Timber Stories from the Past by Walter Wisdom
Autobiography of William Vernon Tompkins
Survey Maps and Field Notes go to UALR
Memories: Justine Gaines Alexander
The Trail of a Rock by Cloie Presley
The Story of an Unusual Rock by Joel S. Gifford
Old Indian Legend (Ark. Gazette clipping)
George William Lewis & Mary Elizabeth Hart Lewis by Leroy Lewis
Weir Cemetery by Cloie Presley
Local Publications Available -
White County Heritage 1986
White County Historical Society
A WAC Remembers World War II 1941-1945
Bring the Tub
Arkansas State University Beebe Branch
Place Names in White County
The Importance of a Standard Method of Land Descriptions
McDearman Family Cemetery
Tram Roads
Pioneer Woman, Frances Gordon
Miscellaneous Information on White County Archeology
Girlhood in Bradford
History of The Citizen
Civil War Days and After
The Old Springhouse on Irwin Farm
Judsonia's Unknown Child's Grave
Subject Index WHITE COUNTY HERITAGE Through Volume XXIII
Other Publications