Theatre Programs and Posters
Carol Byrd and Laurel McLeod
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Performed in the summer of 1999.
Cast: Rebecca Anderson (Vocal), Cleophas Berry (Acting), Ashley Caron (Acting), Chandy Casey (Dance), Aaron Chevalley (Acting), Susanne Chock (Acting), Josh Churchill (Vocal), Chris Clark (Acting), John Cline (Acting), Sarah Cowen (Dance), Ashley Cullum (Acting), Charles Dicus (Acting), Andrea Dowler (Vocal), Julianne Dowler (Acting), Michel Ferrara (Acting), Mimi Goodman (Acting), April Gehling (Acting), Josepha Haden (Acting), Jennifer Haney (Acting), Sabrina Irvan (Dance), Neal Jansen (Vocal), Lara Joens (Dance), Taylor Krieger (Vocal), Rachel Kuperman (Art), Mallory Langston (Vocal), Carl LaFevers (Acting), Laura Lofton (Vocal), Mark Malbrough (Technical Crew), Chad Manen (Technical Crew), Candace Martin (Acting), Molly McGowen (Acting), Laural McLeod (Directing), Jessica Morgan (Vocal), Maegan Nicholson (Dance), Jamie Phillips (Vocal), Rachael Pitchford (Acting), Shannon Pogue (Acting), Melissa Rash (Vocal), Lauren Rath (Acting), Rey Reedy (Vocal), David Sears (Writing), Breanna Sisk (Vocal), Lane Stracener (Vocal), Sara Sullivan (Vocal), Matt Summers (Technical), Janet Terry (Acting), Sarah Thompson (Vocal), Kala Wilcox (Dance), and Ginny Wooldridge (Vocal).
Production Date
Harding University
From the Harding University Theatre Department History collection.