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READ poster featured: Donny Lee, Education
Book selected: Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know - and Doesn't by Stephen Prothero
Date poster was featured: January 2008
Comments by about the book:
"Prothero, professor of religious studies, presents a compelling case for Americans learning about world religions, and particularly the Christian religion. He echoes the voices of many when he suggests that a lack of knowledge about Christianity and its history creates a gap in knowledge of the arts, history, politics, and literature. For example, Prothero offers evidence that in some cases a majority of people cannot offer even one name of a gospel account. His research with his own students suggests that most of them are clueless about religion including Christianity. As an educator and student of constitutional law, I find it appalling that so many operate out of ignorance when it comes to the concept of separation of church and state. This ignorance, unfortunately, lends itself to misappropriating or completely omitting content from religion, particularly the Christian religion in the classroom. While teachers certainly should not proselytize or indoctrinate students, the pall of orthodoxy that seems to be present in today's classroom is one of secularism or naturalism. This book offers insight into the history of religion and religious instruction in the United States, a description of the present, and a prescription for the future. While this text is intended for a wide audience and avoids a scholarly tone, it offers a substantial foundation to make its case. As a Christian educator and law professor, I find it provocative and informative, and I recommend it to all Christians and those interested in a liberal arts education."
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Harding University
READ Poster, Donny Lee