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READ poster featured: Dana Steil, Computer Science
Book selected: How to Think by Alan Jacobs
Date poster was featured: December 2018

Comments by Dana Steil about the book:
How to Think uses entertaining examples to provide practical and approachable perspectives of what thinking is and is not. Alan Jacobs writes with a humble approach that mirrors the style of critical thinking he encourages. Among other things, How to Think encourages the reader to: consider the motives of others and oneself, surround oneself with like-hearted people, not necessarily like-minded people, avoid entrapments of sunk-costs, use argument as a means to resolution rather than division, and seek out the best, most fair-minded representatives of positions you disagree with. Jacobs urges analysts, like me, to cultivate diverse mental habits to guard against the wearing way of feelings. Healthy critical thinking requires the whole person be engaged, intellect and feeling.

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Harding University


READ Poster, Dana Steil
