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READ poster featured: Ken Moran, Business
Book selected: Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp
Date poster was featured: September 2010

Comments by Ken Moran about the book:

"In Mere Discipleship, Dr. Camp expertly combines scripture together with historical records of early disciples of Christ that may literally challenge many previously held beliefs for what it means to be Christian. This work is a scholarly extension of our restoration movement to simply go back to the Bible. In this work, one's historically narrow paradigm of what it means to be a follower of Christ may be widened considerably by Dr. Camp's discussion of our need to not be Christians in name only, but to be disciples of Christ.

By asking difficult questions of commonly held American beliefs, Mere Discipleship highlights God's proclamation that through baptism we are called to pledge our allegiance as citizens of Heaven and not an allegiance to kingdoms of the world. As disciples, Dr. Camp stresses that discipleship leads us to reject the way of the world -- power, greed, violence, etc. Equally, disciples must be cautious to not allow religion as a process or series of steps to replace true discipleship.

"So . . . what would the world be like if every believer were a true disciple in pledging allegiance to God and not to the kingdoms of the world?"

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Harding University


READ Poster, Ken Moran
