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READ poster featured: Beth Wilson, Family & Consumer Science
Book selected: It’s My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence by Meg Kennedy Dugan & Roger R. Hock
Date poster was featured: October 2013

Comments by Beth Wilson about the book:
Two other books were also chosen for this month:
1. No Place for Abuse by Catherine Clark Kroeger & Nancy Nason-Clark

2. Love Without Hurt by Dr. Steven Stosny

I have found each of these books to be extremely helpful in my volunteer work with prevention and intervention in abusive relationships/domestic violence. I also use some of the content in classes that I teach, particularly Family Relationships. Love without Hurt is a practical guide for ending the pain of a cycle of abuse. No Place for Abuse gives biblical and practical resources to counteract domestic violence while It’s My Life Now is a valuable manual for survivors of domestic violence who are re-building their lives.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention month and what better time to read some “tried and true” books that can serve to educate and guide us in our efforts to prevent domestic violence? There is hope, there is help!

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Harding University


READ Poster, Beth Wilson
