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READ poster featured: Steve and Brenda Breezeel, Political Science and Librarian
Book selected by Steve: Master and Commander by Patrick O'Brian
Book selected by Brenda: The Camel Club by David Baldacci
Date poster was featured: February 2014

Comments by Steve Breezeel about the book:
Historical fiction has been a favorite of mine for many years. Master and Commander is the first book in a series by Patrick O'Brian combining the personal story of his main character, Jack Aubrey, with an exceptional portrayal of life in the British navy during the Napoleonic Wars. Aubrey faces the challenges created by the isolation of command, the responsibility of leadership, and the limits of his ability to alter the injustices of life in the British navy while leaning upon the wisdom and support of his friend and ship's surgeon, Stephen Maturin. Each book is extensively researched and integrates the lives of O'Brian's fictional characters with the actual historical figures and events that were central to this period of history.

Comments by Brenda Breezeel about the book:
David Baldacci books are among my favorite and The Camel Club series is my top pick. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters as they found themselves pulled into adventure after adventure in this action packed series of government conspiracies and espionage. If you are looking for a fun, fast paced, entertaining story to read, pick up The Camel Club.

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Harding University


READ Poster, Steve Breezeel, Brenda Breezeel
