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READ poster featured: Ellis and Lori Sloan, Business
Book selected: Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz
Date poster was featured: February 2018

Comments by Ellis and Lori Sloan about the book:
Many people miss that business is about people. Howard Schultz shares how spending his childhood in the projects of New York inspired him to build a company that treats employees and customers with respect and to a fabulous experience. He describes the ups and downs of life/business and how he succeeded by sticking with his core belief of lifting people up. The title of his book was the word he used at the end of every communication he sent out. It captures honoring the past, but forging ahead every day. There are many, many lessons in this book. It leaves you feeling very encouraged and looking forward to the future. Doing the right thing does pay off in many different ways.

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Harding University


READ Poster, Ellis Sloan, Lori Sloan
