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READ poster featured: Keith Cronk, Information Systems and Technology
Book selected: Water for Elephants by Sarah Gruen
Date poster featured: December 2010

[Watch the video presentation]

Insights shared about the book:
"This is a well-written book that has stories within stories. It is well researched and is meticulous in detail. It helps the reader easily recall the childlike romantic view of the circus, yet at the same time exposes the seedy and desperate plight that the circus was experiencing at the time the tale was set.

It moves through the life of the main character (Jacob Jankowski), from his days in college, the day his parents were killed, his running away to the circus (accidentally), to his old age. The title comes from an interaction he has with another character at a nursing home who exclaimed that he used to 'carry the water for the elephants.' He was saying this to impress the ladies at the nursing home. Jacob's response was: 'Listen pal . . . for decades I've heard old coots like you talk about carrying water for elephants and I'm telling you now, it never happened.'

Of course there is a prominent love story as well. There are intriguing side stories that involve the colorful characters and social strata surrounding circus life. And there is a bond that develops between Jacob and an elephant who did not understand English.

It is a book that uses the backdrop of the circus to shed some light on many aspects of our life and interactions with others."

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Harding University


READ Poster, Keith Cronk
