While in graduate school at the Chrysler Institute of Engineering in the 1950s, Germaine Charles Lockwood became a Christian. After serving as an evangelist for churches of Christ in Sweden from 1961 to 1968, he earned his M.A. in Christian Doctrine from Harding School of Theology in Memphis, Tennessee. He taught for two years at Michigan Christian College and taught Russian language studies at Oklahoma Christian University for four years. He began working with the Wilshire congregation in Edmond, Oklahoma in 1982, which sponsored his radio work.
In 1971 he began producing a Russian radio program with Yvan Mikhailovich Kolesnikow. He continued the production of gospel broadcasts in Russian until his death. In 1973 he began working toward the establishment of a short-wave radio station broadcasting from Alaska. This project was continued by World Christian Broadcasting in 1983. In 1991 he began international radio broadcasts in English entitled Eternal Good News and continued as the speaker for this program until his death in 2004.
Submissions from 2017
Lessons 45: John 21, Germaine Lockwood
Lying, Germaine Lockwood
Mediator, Germaine Lockwood
Medical Foreknowledge, Germaine Lockwood
Messiah Prophecies, Germaine Lockwood
Messiah - The Judge, Germaine Lockwood
Micah 5, Germaine Lockwood
Of Whom Does the Prophet Say This?, Germaine Lockwood
Organization of the Church, Germaine Lockwood
Origin of Death, Germaine Lockwood
Paul/Saul - His Life and Conversion, Germaine Lockwood
Persecution, Germaine Lockwood
Philistines (Part 1), Germaine Lockwood
Philistines (Part 2), Germaine Lockwood
Psalm 22, Germaine Lockwood
Sacrifice, Germaine Lockwood
Saved by What?, Germaine Lockwood
Scientific Foreknowledge, Germaine Lockwood
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Germaine Lockwood
Seven Evidences of God, Germaine Lockwood
Shiloh, Germaine Lockwood
Sin, Germaine Lockwood
Singing in Worship, Germaine Lockwood
Sodomy, Germaine Lockwood
Sowing and Reaping, Germaine Lockwood
Speak Where the Bible Speaks, Germaine Lockwood
Study the Scriptures, Germaine Lockwood
The Branch Foretold by Zechariah, Germaine Lockwood
The Chief Cornerstone, Germaine Lockwood
The Christian and the Forgiveness of Sins, Germaine Lockwood
The Church Jesus Built, Germaine Lockwood
The Church of Christ, Germaine Lockwood
The Cross, Only the Beginning, Germaine Lockwood
The Deity of the Messiah (Part 1), Germaine Lockwood
The Deity of the Messiah (Part 2), Germaine Lockwood
The Eternal Kingdom (Daniel 2), Germaine Lockwood
The Eternal Kingdom of Promise, Germaine Lockwood
The Faith, Germaine Lockwood
The Gift of Salvation, Germaine Lockwood
The Gospel, Germaine Lockwood
The Gospel According to Luke, Germaine Lockwood
The Gospel According to Mark, Germaine Lockwood
The Great Commission, Germaine Lockwood
The Inspiration of the Bible, Germaine Lockwood
The Jews: Prophecy and Fulfillment, Germaine Lockwood
The Kingdom of Messiah, Germaine Lockwood
The Land God Gave to Israel, Germaine Lockwood
The Lord's Supper, Germaine Lockwood
The Man of Sin, Germaine Lockwood
The Messiah (Daniel 9:24-27), Germaine Lockwood
The Name 'Christian', Germaine Lockwood
The Nature of Man (Anthropological Evidence), Germaine Lockwood
The New Covenant, Germaine Lockwood
The Origin of Organic Design, Germaine Lockwood
The Origin of the Universe and the Laws of the Cosmos, Germaine Lockwood
The Passover, Germaine Lockwood
The Promised King in Isaiah, Germaine Lockwood
The Return of Israel, Germaine Lockwood
The Royal Priesthood, Germaine Lockwood
The Source of Beauty and Instinct, Germaine Lockwood
The Stones Cry Out, Germaine Lockwood
The Tomb Was Empty, Germaine Lockwood
The Truth, Germaine Lockwood
The Virgin Birth of Christ, Germaine Lockwood
The Word, Germaine Lockwood
The World-Wide Flood, Germaine Lockwood
The World-Wide Flood (Part 1), Germaine Lockwood
The World-Wide Flood (Part 2), Germaine Lockwood
To Know God, Germaine Lockwood
When Messiah Comes, Germaine Lockwood
Why Are People Dying with AIDS?, Germaine Lockwood
Worship in Spirit and Truth, Germaine Lockwood
You Must Be Born Again, Germaine Lockwood