Scholar Works at Harding - Annual Bible Lectureship: America's Universities: Our Own Backyard Mission Field

Presenter Information

Caleb McCaughan

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McInteer 225

Start Date

9-30-2019 10:00 AM


Congregational Ministries


This class will reveal one of America's largest mission fields: universities! The large number of unchurched students, and the international students on our campuses, are at an impressionable momenet in their development. This presentation will provide practical practices and tactics for reaching this vital mission field.


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Sep 30th, 10:00 AM

America's Universities: Our Own Backyard Mission Field

McInteer 225

This class will reveal one of America's largest mission fields: universities! The large number of unchurched students, and the international students on our campuses, are at an impressionable momenet in their development. This presentation will provide practical practices and tactics for reaching this vital mission field.