Scholar Works at Harding - Annual Bible Lectureship: Community of Mission Lecture Series: Spirituality & Sexuality: Examining the Relationship, Part 2

Community of Mission Lecture Series: Spirituality & Sexuality: Examining the Relationship, Part 2

Presenter Information

Todd Patten
Stephanie O'Brien


American Studies 200

Start Date

10-2-2019 3:00 PM


Community of Mission


God created us as sexual beings and He intends for that dimension of our life to be a blessing--however, that facet of our nature has been twisted and sabotaged. In these sessions, two Christian counselors will take a frank and honest look at the relationship between spirituality and sexuality, and in the process will seek to rediscover godly guidelines for healthy relationships. The hope is to gain insight on what our students believe and discuss culture's portrayal of sexuality in contrast to how scripture portray sexuality and intimacy.

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Oct 2nd, 3:00 PM

Community of Mission Lecture Series: Spirituality & Sexuality: Examining the Relationship, Part 2

American Studies 200

God created us as sexual beings and He intends for that dimension of our life to be a blessing--however, that facet of our nature has been twisted and sabotaged. In these sessions, two Christian counselors will take a frank and honest look at the relationship between spirituality and sexuality, and in the process will seek to rediscover godly guidelines for healthy relationships. The hope is to gain insight on what our students believe and discuss culture's portrayal of sexuality in contrast to how scripture portray sexuality and intimacy.