Scholar Works at Harding - Faculty Technology Showcase: Lightning Session: Using Echo 360 to Enhance Your Course

2019 Showcase

Presenter Information


Heritage 210

Start Date

9-5-2019 1:35 PM

End Date

9-5-2019 2:15 PM


This session will provide an alternative to on-campus lectures, so you can keep students engaged in learning even when classes are cancelled. Echo 360 supports a student engagement strategy through providing a video platform for lecture capture and analytics that results in extending learning beyond the classroom. Join us to learn more.


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Sep 5th, 1:35 PM Sep 5th, 2:15 PM

Lightning Session: Using Echo 360 to Enhance Your Course

Heritage 210

This session will provide an alternative to on-campus lectures, so you can keep students engaged in learning even when classes are cancelled. Echo 360 supports a student engagement strategy through providing a video platform for lecture capture and analytics that results in extending learning beyond the classroom. Join us to learn more.


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