2017 Showcase

Ethics & Technology in the classroom


Heritage 210

Start Date

10-5-2017 1:30 PM

End Date

10-5-2017 1:55 PM


The struggle with ethics, ethical principles and unethical behavior doesn’t stop once you have been working for 5 years or 10 years. Technology has become an enabler, making unethical decisions so convenient that we often don’t stop and question that just because we can do something, should we do it. This session will look at ethical principles and unethical behavior and how we can choose to do the right thing even when it is not easy. Learn some practical ethical strategies to guide you throughout your entire career.

About the Author

Dr. Glen Metheny has worked at Harding for 21 years with the last 9 years in the Carter College of Business. Glen is an Associate Professor of Business in the Graduate School of Business and teaches classes in Organizational Behavior, Ethics, Leadership and Management. Glen develops courses for the MBA program and his primary teaching responsibilities are online.

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Import Event to Google Calendar

Oct 5th, 1:30 PM Oct 5th, 1:55 PM

Ethics & Technology in the classroom

Heritage 210

The struggle with ethics, ethical principles and unethical behavior doesn’t stop once you have been working for 5 years or 10 years. Technology has become an enabler, making unethical decisions so convenient that we often don’t stop and question that just because we can do something, should we do it. This session will look at ethical principles and unethical behavior and how we can choose to do the right thing even when it is not easy. Learn some practical ethical strategies to guide you throughout your entire career.