Theatre Programs and Posters

SUPPRESS THIS RECORD Harding College A Cappella Chorus
From the Harding University Theatre Department History collection.
Performed in the Spring of 1957.
Marilyn Beal, Linda Bennett, Charles Burks, Betty Clark, Bob Claunch, Gayle Claunch, Janita Clift, Linda Crews, Darlene Darling, Marilyn Davis, Anna Duckworth, Mary Duer, Barbara Ethridge, Yvonne Fagan, Lee Fuller, Donald Hampton, Charlene Harris, Claudette Harris, Don Hayes, Carolyn Hightower, Loreta Huffard, Ronald Hufstedler, Barbara Kline, Jane Lewis, Jerry Martin, Fred Massey, O.D. Morrow, Patsy Parker, Nadine Pate, Clarence Pearce, Carolyn Pogue, Bennie Porter, Mary Redwine, Roberta Rhodes, Edward Ritchie, Lois Robertson, Peggy Robertson, Bob Scott, Gail Shoptaw, Dwight Smith, Delia Beth Stephenson, Gerald Stephenson, Neal Stotts, Gilbert Stout, Nancy Stovall, Bob Sullins, Pat Teague, Beverly Thayer, LaVonne Thompson, Harold Vanderpool, John Vanderpool, Roy Vanderpool, Arthur Voyles, Eleanor Weaver, John Wilson, and Winfred Wright.