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Sunday, September 29th
6:30 AM

University Chorus

Benson Auditorium

6:30 AM

7:00 AM


Devin Swindle
Elijah Swindle

Benson Auditorium

7:00 AM

8:30 AM

Belles & Beaux

Front Lawn

8:30 AM

Monday, September 30th
8:00 AM

A Fatal Trade: How the Contemporary Crisis of Identity has Developed

Robert Lawrence

Admin. Auditorium

8:00 AM

Exploring the Ministry Needs in the USA

Walter Castro

McInteer 125

8:00 AM

Preaching God's Word fron Genesis: Best Practices for Faithful Methodology

John Walton

Cone Chapel

8:00 AM

The Land Promise to Abraham and the Vulnerability of the Land

Evertt Huffard

McInteer 150

8:00 AM

What is the Main Thing, Part 1

John Smith

McInteer 145

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Interview with Dr. Rubel Shelly- author of The Ink is Dry

Rubel Shelly

Benson Auditorium

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Comparing/Contrasting Hispanic Ministeries from Latin America with those in the USA

Walter Castro

McInteer 125

10:00 AM

God's Covenant with Abraham and the Promise of God

Evertt Huffard

McInteer 150

10:00 AM

The Message of Scripture in Genesis 1-11

John Walton

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

The Science of Gender Dysphoria and What makes it a Serious Medical Problem

Robert Lawrence

Admin. Auditorium

10:00 AM

Why Egypt? Theology and Geography

Dale Manor

Regions Room

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

Expert panel providing experienced-based tools for ministers/ministries to succeed

Donnie Collings
Geovanni A. Lara
Lenin Munguia

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Jesus, Zealots and the Land Promise

Evertt Huffard

McInteer 150

11:00 AM

The Message of Scripture in Genesis 12-50

John Walton

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

The Norton Colloquium: The Present and Future Churches of Christ

Erik Tryggestad
Bobby Ross Jr.
Stan Granberg
Carl Royster

McInteer 145

11:00 AM

What Jesus and his Followers have to Offer in the Modern Crisis of the Self

Robert Lawrence

Admin. Auditorium

11:00 AM

1:00 PM

Being Known

Kevin Shelby
Todd Patten
Mark Fager

Cone Chapel

1:00 PM

Conformed to Christ, Not Culture

Matthew Morine

McInteer 225

1:00 PM

Enūma Eliš and Spiritual War

Greg Laing

McInteer 145

1:00 PM

Faithful and Effective Missional Partnership with Global Christians - Session 1

Nathan Bills
Samuel Twumasi

McInteer 125

1:00 PM

Knowing the Story

Keith Stranglin

McInteer 150

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Connecting to God, Self, and Others

Kevin Shelby
Todd Patten
Mark Fager

Cone Chapel

2:00 PM

Enki and Ninhursaĝ as Paradise Story

Greg Laing

McInteer 145

2:00 PM

Faithful and Effective Missional Partnership with Global Christians - Session 2

Nathan Bills
Samuel Twumasi

McInteer 125

2:00 PM

Living the Story

Keith Stranglin

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

Opening Up Your Soul for Growth

Matthew Morine

McInteer 225

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Adult Education for Discipleship: Panel Discussion

Keith Stranglin

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

Atra-hasīs and Flood Narrative

Greg Laing

McInteer 145

3:00 PM

Faithful and Effective Missional Partnership with Global Christians - Session 3

Nathan Bills
Samuel Twumasi

McInteer 125

3:00 PM

Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Kevin Shelby
Todd Patten
Mark Fager

Cone Chapel

3:00 PM

The Restorative Practices for Discipleship

Matthew Morine

McInteer 225

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Challenges of Mental Health and Ministry- Panel Discussion/Discussion Session

Kevin Shelby
Todd Patten
Mark Fager

Cone Chapel

4:00 PM

Divine Community: The Isolating Nature of Sin and Unifying Nature of God

Ada Lawrence

McInteer 125

4:00 PM

Glimpses of a Wholistic Approach to Medical Evangelism

McInteer 229

4:00 PM

God of the Gaps: God Steps in Where Man Fails

Aldrin Wilson

McInteer 145

4:00 PM

Phone Apps for Personal Evangelism

McInteer 230

4:00 PM

Q & A Discussion session

Matthew Morine

McInteer 225

4:00 PM

5:00 PM


Founder's Room

5:00 PM

6:30 PM

Harding Academy Chorus

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM

The Fall

Orpheus Heyward

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM

8:30 PM

Old Time Gospel Singing

Cone Chapel

8:30 PM

Tuesday, October 1st
7:00 AM

Sunset International World Missions.

Region's Room

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Healing Through Connection

Tiffany Gormany

Cone Chapel

8:00 AM

The American University: A Modern-Day Canaan

Chris Buxton

McInteer 125

8:00 AM

What is the Main Thing? Part 2

John Smith

McInteer 145

8:00 AM

Why Do We Think of Genesis as a Lost World, and How Do We Find It?

John Walton

Admin. Auditorium

8:00 AM

Worship Leading - Session 1

Keith Lancaster

Reynolds Auditorium

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Interview with Dr. Orpheus Heyward, author of The Ink is Dry

Rubel Shelby

Benson Auditorium

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

How to Create Community Through Connection

Tiffany Gormany

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

Insights for Recovering the Lost World of Genesis 1

John Walton

Admin. Auditorium

10:00 AM

Life in Canaan: Understanding Today’s College Students

Reid Stafford

McInteer 125

10:00 AM

The Cities of the Plain: What Happened?

Dale Manor

Regions Room

10:00 AM

Worship Leading - Session 2

Keith Lancaster

Reynolds Auditorium

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

Insights for Recovering the Lost World of Genesis 2-3

John Walton

Admin. Auditorium

11:00 AM

Passing Through Canaan: The Gospel and International Students

Chris Buxton

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Support Groups: Panel Discussion

Tiffany Gormany

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

The Norton Colloquium: How Should We Talk about Politics? Or Should We?

Stan Granberg
Bobby Ross Jr.
Carl Royster
Erik Tryggestad

Heritage 208

11:00 AM

Worship Leading - Session 3

Keith Lancaster

Reynolds Auditorium

11:00 AM

1:00 PM

Beauty, Love and God: Intimidation, Captivation, and Partricipation

Mac Sandlin
Tessa Davidson

McInteer 349

1:00 PM

"From the Beginning"

Rubel Shelly

Cone Chapel

1:00 PM

Laying the Dicipleship Foundation

Matt Dabbs

McInteer 125

1:00 PM

Spiritual Formation: Helping People Form the Character of Christ

Grant Azbell

McInteer 225

1:00 PM

The Aqedah in the Hebrew Bible

Daniel Oden

McInteer 150

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

Aqedah in the Second Temple Judaism

Daniel Oden

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

Creation, Sub-creation and Art: A Call to Christian Creativity

Mac Sandlin
Tessa Davidson

McInteer 349

2:00 PM

Laying the Discipleship Foundation

Matt Dabbs

McInteer 125

2:00 PM

LGBTQ+ Issues Are Not New

Rubel Shelly

Cone Chapel

2:00 PM

Spiritual Direction: How to Be a Spiritual Companion

Grant Azbell

McInteer 225

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Getting Back on Track: What Churches Can Do

Grant Azbell

McInteer 225

3:00 PM

How to Reproduce Generations of Disciples - Practice Multiplication

Matt Dabbs

McInteer 125

3:00 PM

The Aqedah in the New Testament and Early Christian Interpretation

Daniel Oden

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

There are no "Clobber texts" in Scripture

Rubel Shelly

Cone Chapel

3:00 PM

When Beauty Goes Wrong: The Dangers of Superficiality, Vanity, and Branding

Mac Sandlin
Tessa Davidson

McInteer 349

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Are you a Sellout? Esau Sold his Birthright for a Bowl of Soup, What's your Price?

Jaiden Thomas

McInteer 145

4:00 PM

Become a Missionary from your Kitchen Table

McInteer 229

4:00 PM

Myers Davis Life Coaching

McInteer 225

4:00 PM

The Genesis of Story

Theodore Westbrook

McInteer 125

4:00 PM

Train Indigenous Christians to Teach Their Own Communities

McInteer 230

4:00 PM

6:30 PM

Good News Singers

Benson Auditorium

6:30 PM

7:00 PM


Arthur Puente

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 2nd
7:00 AM

Only for the Courageous

Paul Woodhouse

Cone Chapel

7:00 AM

8:00 AM

Being a Small Church

Phil Thompson
Michael Lincoln

McInteer 225

8:00 AM

Impact of attachment break reflecting upon Genesis 1-11

Ian Bradshaw

McInteer 125

8:00 AM

Jesus Centered Youth Ministry

Daniel Parrish

Liberty Room

8:00 AM

Understanding the Process of Faith: Development in Children and Adolescents

Alicia Williamson

McInteer 150

8:00 AM

What is the Main Thing - Part 3

John Smith

McInteer 145

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Grief, Growth, Godliness

Paul Woodhouse

Cone Chapel

9:00 AM


Steve Maxwell


9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Best Practices for Families and the Church for Fostering Lasting Faith in Children

Alicia Williamson

McInteer 150

10:00 AM

Chaplaincy: An Opportunity to Help our Communities

Paul Woodhouse

Cone Chapel

10:00 AM

Impact of Generational Shame Reflecting on Genesis 1-11

Ian Bradshaw

McInteer 125

10:00 AM

Ministry in a Small Church

Phil Thompson
Michael Lincoln

McInteer 225

10:00 AM

Practical Youth Ministry

Daniel Parrish

Liberty Room

10:00 AM

The Canaan Abraham Saw

Dale Manor

Regions Room

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

A Panel of Participants in the Spriritual Formation of Children

Alicia Williamson

McInteer 150

11:00 AM

Hook In, Plugged In

Daniel Parrish
Ted Crigler

Liberty Room

11:00 AM

Imapact of family Origins and Birth Order Issues Reflecting on Genesis 1-11

Ian Bradshaw

McInteer 125

11:00 AM

Leadership in a Small Church

Phil Thompson
Michael Lincoln

McInteer 225

11:00 AM

Roundtable Q&A

Paul Woodhouse

Cone Chapel

11:00 AM

The Norton Colloqium: Modern Day Joseph's (and Josephine's)

Erik Tryggestad
Bobby Ross Jr.
Stan Granberg
Carl Royster

Heritage 208

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

Luncheon - Center for World Missions

Regions Room

12:00 PM

Luncheon - Harding School of Theology

Founder's Room

12:00 PM

Luncheon - Youth Ministry Workshop

Heritage 208

12:00 PM

1:00 PM

Imagining God in Singleness

Stacey Rodenbeck

McInteer 225

1:00 PM

Ministry as a Minor

Ted Crigler

Liberty Room

1:00 PM

Perspective: A Balcony View of the Cultural Backdrop of Contemporary Minsitry

Carlus Gupton

Cone Chapel

1:00 PM

The Well-Dressed Dsiciple: Wardrobe Malfunctions and Corrections in the Joseph Story

Kevin Youngblood

McInteer 150

1:00 PM

Trusting our Children with the Word

Glen Knabe
Wanda Knabe

McInteer 150

1:00 PM

2:00 PM

A Plan That Works

Glen Knabe
Wanda Knabe

McInteer 150

2:00 PM

Joseph, Judah, and Jesus: The Disciple's Hope for Transformation

Kevin Youngblood

McInteer 145

2:00 PM

Longevity in Youth Ministry

Rachael Neumeier

Liberty Room

2:00 PM

Male and Female He Created Them: Embracing our Masculinity and Feminity in our Singleness

Stacey Rodenbeck

McInteer 225

2:00 PM

Practice:Leading with Clarity, Compassion, Courage, and Connection

Carlus Gupton

Cone Chapel

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

"I Wish That All Men Were As I Am" Practical Gifts in Singleness

Stacey Rodenbeck

McInteer 225

3:00 PM

Including Women in Ministry

Racheal Neumeier

Liberty Room

3:00 PM

Joseph, Jesus, and the Twelve: From Dysfunction to Discipleship

Kevin Youngblood

McInteer 145

3:00 PM

Making it Reel: How to Bring the Bible to Life in 4th-6th Grade Classes

Trey Reely

McInteer 150

3:00 PM

Practice: What is "Non-Anxious Leadership," and What Difference Does it Make?

Carlus Gupton

Cone Chapel

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Making Jesus Cool at School

McInteer 225

4:00 PM

One Truth, Many Cultures

McInteer 229

4:00 PM

Pertinence: Considering the Challenges of Your Context

Carlus Gupton

Cone Chapel

4:00 PM

The Genesis of Government

Madeline Broshears

McInteer 125

4:00 PM

When a Good Thing Goes Bad

Donald Brown

McInteer 145

4:00 PM

6:00 PM

University Concert Choir

Benson Auditorium

6:00 PM

7:00 PM


Nathan Bills

Benson Auditorium

7:00 PM