Disciple-making: the Core Mission of the Church
Cone Chapel
Start Date
9-29-2021 2:00 PM
Church leadership
Every church exists to love people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, one that leads them from being just a “convert” to becoming a “fully-devoted follower.” This session will offer an introduction and resources to show you how. Discover if your church is ready to make a disciple-shift to where disciple-making is your core mission.
Disciple-making: the Core Mission of the Church
Cone Chapel
Every church exists to love people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, one that leads them from being just a “convert” to becoming a “fully-devoted follower.” This session will offer an introduction and resources to show you how. Discover if your church is ready to make a disciple-shift to where disciple-making is your core mission.