Full Schedule
2017 | ||
Sunday, September 24th | 6:00 PM |
94th Annual Harding University Lectureship Program (2017) Harding University 6:00 PM |
6:30 PM |
Concert - Harding University Concert Choir Benson Auditorium 6:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
KEYNOTE - I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel Alan Robertson Benson Auditorium 7:00 PM |
8:30 PM |
Reynolds Recital Hall 8:30 PM |
Monday, September 25th | ||
8:30 AM |
Administration Auditorium 8:30 AM |
9:00 AM |
Jeff Jenkins Administration Auditorium 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
A Bolt from the Blue, Martin Luther Taking Europe by Storm, part 1 of 2 Allen Diles McInteer 353 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
A Winsome Witness: A Restoration Discussion, Part 1 of 3 Dan Chambers McInteer 125 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Church Inside Out: The Church Inside, part 1 of 3 Tim Archer McInteer 229 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Help! I Have To Choose The Bible School Curriculum!, part 1 of 2 Jerry Bowling McInteer 145 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Ladies Day : Coffee and Worship Cone Chapel 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
New Perspectives for Processing Romans, part 1 of 3 Rick Oster McInteer 150 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Paul's Vision for Unity in Romans, part 1 of 2 Shawn Daggett McInteer 230 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Predators in the Pews : Protecting Our Children, part 1 of 2 Jimmy Hinton McInteer 233 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Pure Heart Vision : How Getting Romans Grows Churches, part 1 of 4 Randy Willingham Liberty Room 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Significant Others: Does God Hear Their Prayers?, part 1 of 3 Monte Cox Heritage Auditorium 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
THRIVE: It's All About Me?, part 1 of 3 Carl Williamson McInteer 225 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
What I've Learned About the Churches of Christ Bobby Ross Jr. McInteer 234 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
A Bolt from the Blue, Martin Luther Taking Europe by Storm, part 2 of 2 Allen Diles McInteer 353 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
A Winsome Witness: A Restoration Discussion, part 2 of 3 Dan Chambers McInteer 125 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Buried With Christ: Baptism in the book of Romans Eddie Cloer McInteer 234 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Church Inside Out: The Church Goes Out, part 2 of 3 Tim Archer McInteer 229 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Help! I Have To Choose The Bible School Curriculum!, part 2 of 2 Jerry Bowling McInteer 145 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Ladies Day : A Transformed Life, part 1 of 2 Deborah Houston Cone Chapel 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
New Perspectives for Processing Romans, part 2 of 3 Rick Oster McInteer 150 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Paul's Vision for Unity in Romans, part 2 of 2 Shawn Daggett McInteer 230 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Predators in the Pews : Protecting Our Children, part 2 of 2 Jimmy Hinton McInteer 233 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Pure Heart Vision : How Getting Romans Grows Churches, part 2 of 4 Randy Willingham Liberty Room 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Significant Others: Does God Hear Their Prayers?, part 2 of 3 Monte Cox Heritage Auditorium 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
THRIVE: Generous Living!, part 2 of 3 Carl Williamson McInteer 225 11:00 AM |
2:00 PM |
A Winsome Witness: A Restoration Discussion, part 3 of 3 Dan Chambers McInteer 125 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Church Inside Out: Outsiders No More, part 3 of 3 Tim Archer McInteer 229 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Cone Chapel 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
New Perspectives for Processing Romans, part 3 of 3 Rick Oster McInteer 150 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Predators in the Pews - Panel Discussion, part 1 of 2 McInteer 145 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Pure Heart Vision : How Getting Romans Grows Churches, part 3 of 4 Randy Willingham Liberty Room 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Race Conciousness : Seeing Color Through a Scriptural Lens Tim Westbrook McInteer 230 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Dan Stockstill McInteer 233 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Significant Others: What I Have Learned Monte Cox Heritage Auditorium 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
The Intentional Associate: Blessing the Congregation, part 1 of 2 Bert Alexander McInteer 234 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
THRIVE: Uncommon Kindness!, part 3 of 3 Carl Williamson McInteer 225 2:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Book signing - Monte Cox, author of "Significant Others" Monte Cox Heritage Auditorium 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Kingdom Business - Bill McDonough, Partners in Progress McInteer 353 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Ladies Day : A Transformed Life, part 2 of 2 Deborah Houston Cone Chapel 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Prayer Transformed The Church In Cuba : How It Can Transform Yours Tony Fernandez McInteer 229 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Predators in the Pews - Panel Discussion, part 2 of 2 McInteer 145 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Pure Heart Vision : How Getting Romans Grows Churches, part 4 of 4 Randy Willingham Liberty Room 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Race Conciousness : Seeing Whiteness Through an Experiential Lens Tim Westbrook McInteer 230 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Dan Stockstill McInteer 233 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Intentional Associate: Blessing the Congregation, part 2 of 2 Bert Alexander McInteer 234 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Temple : the Third of Two Sacred Places in Islam Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 3:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
律法·良心·罪 [The Law, the Conscience, and Sin] William Zhang McInteer 150 4:00 PM |
4:30 PM |
Celebration of Ministry Dinner - Losing the Weight of Ministry Dale Jenkins Heritage Cafeteria 4:30 PM |
6:00 PM |
No hay justo ni aún uno [There Is No One Righteous] Ricardo Barrera McInteer 125 6:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
William Zhang McInteer 150 6:00 PM |
6:30 PM |
Concert - Harding Academy Chorus Benson Auditorium 6:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
KEYNOTE - Righteousness From God Noel Whitlock Benson Auditorium 7:00 PM |
8:30 PM |
Mike Wood Cone Chapel 8:30 PM |
Tuesday, September 26th | ||
8:30 AM |
Administration Auditorium 8:30 AM |
9:00 AM |
Phil Brookman Administration Auditorium 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Tom Tignor McInteer 353 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Wes Woodell McInteer 230 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
God's Women On Mission, part 1 of 2 - You Are an Overcomer! Penny Kendall McInteer 233 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Keys To Success in Youth & Family Ministry Shannon Cooper Liberty Room 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Little Rag Doll: Child Abuse Identification and Intervention Beth Light McInteer 225 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Living the Kingdom Life Now, part 1: No Rules; Just Right David Syrgley McInteer 229 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Multicultural Conflict in Missions, part 1 of 3 Evertt Huffard McInteer 145 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Keith Stanglin McInteer 150 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
PREACHERS WORKSHOP : Preaching Romans 1-4 Jesse Robertson Cone Chapel 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Shepherding for Shepherds, Prospective Shepherds, and Sheep, part 1 of 3 Jerrie Barber McInteer 125 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Tom Tignor McInteer 353 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Domestic Abuse Identification and Intervention Beth Wilson McInteer 225 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Wes Woodell McInteer 230 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
God's Women On Mission, part 2 of 2 - Becoming Your Meant-To-Be Penny Kendall McInteer 233 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Living the Kingdom Life Now, part 2: Disciplines of Reintegration David Syrgley McInteer 229 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Multicultural Conflict in Missions, part 2 of 3 Evertt Huffard McInteer 145 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 9:10f. “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” Keith Stanglin McInteer 150 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
PREACHERS WORKSHOP : Preaching Romans 5-8 Mike Ireland Cone Chapel 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Shepherding for Shepherds, Prospective Shepherds, and Sheep, part 2 of 3 Jerrie Barber McInteer 125 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Sticky Faith: Helping Teens To Stay Faithful For the Long Haul T.J. Davidson Liberty Room 11:00 AM |
1:00 PM |
Dr. Bruce McLarty, author of Embracing the Mission Bruce McLarty Heritage Lobby 1:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Tom Tignor McInteer 353 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Falling Short of God’s Glory: Remaining Serious About Sin: Where It All Went Wrong, part 1 of 2 David Anguish McInteer 234 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
How to Connect With Seekers in Your Community John Reese McInteer 230 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Ministry To Children On The Spectrum, part 1 of 2 Andrew Phillips Liberty Room 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Multicultural Conflict in Missions, part 3 of 3 Evertt Huffard McInteer 145 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 11:26 “All Israel will be saved.” Keith Stanglin McInteer 150 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
PREACHERS WORKSHOP : Preaching Romans 12-16 Scott Adair Cone Chapel 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Nicole Mount McInteer 225 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Reformation History, part 1 of 2 Paul Haynie McInteer 229 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Shepherding for Shepherds, Prospective Shepherds, and Sheep, part 3 of 3 Jerrie Barber McInteer 125 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
The Truth in Black and White : Improving Race Relations in Churches of Christ Robert Solomon Heritage Auditorium 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Kim Mote McInteer 233 2:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
College Planning for Parents & Grandparents McInteer 225 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Falling Short of God’s Glory: Remaining Serious About Sin: Sin Is a Big Deal , part 2 of 2 David Anguish McInteer 234 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Kingdom Business - Ken Kilpatrick, Compassion 21 Tommy Bush McInteer 353 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Marriage Prep : 10 Things That You Need To Know About Your Future Spouse … For Guys Lamont Ross Heritage Auditorium 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Ministry To Children On The Spectrum, part 2 of 2 Andrew Phillips Liberty Room 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Doyle Kee McInteer 230 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
PREACHERS WORKSHOP : Preaching Romans 12-16 Jim Martin Cone Chapel 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Reformation History, part 2 of 2 Paul Haynie McInteer 229 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Judaizers : From Jesus to Muhammad Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
What Do I Do With My Human Nature? Michelle Goff McInteer 233 3:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Plaza 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Marriage Prep : 10 Things That You Need To Know About Your Future Spouse … For Girls Lamont Ross Heritage Auditorium 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Student - Instruments of Righteousness Carrie Stewart McInteer 150 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Student - Righteousness in the Human Body Evan Pratt McInteer 125 4:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - Creating Americas Most Wanted Jewels Edmerson McInteer 125 5:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - The Celebration of God Bethany Moore McInteer 150 5:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Muertos al pecado [We Have Died to Sin] Ricardo Barrera McInteer 125 6:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
William Zhang McInteer 150 6:00 PM |
6:30 PM |
Benson Auditorium 6:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
KEYNOTE : Everyone Who Believes Lamont Ross Benson Auditorium 7:00 PM |
8:30 PM |
Concert - Harding University Chamber Singers Reynolds Recital Hall 8:30 PM |
Wednesday, September 27th | ||
8:30 AM |
Andrew Leeper Administration Auditorium 8:30 AM |
9:00 AM |
KEYNOTE - More Than Conquerors Alexander Jamerison Administration Auditorium 9:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Abundant Living - Building a Rewarding Retirement Tony Mickholtzick McInteer 145 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Artifacts and the Old Testament Story, part 1 of 2 Dale Manor Cone Chapel 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 1 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
God and the Single Christian, part 1 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
How Does the Bible View Women? Anessa Westbrook McInteer 225 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Internet Based Ministry Resources Carlus Gupton McInteer 353 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Nurturing the Ministers Spiritual Life, part 1 of 2 Lawrence Rodgers W. McInteer 230 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 8 : The Ministry of the Spirit Paul Pollard McInteer 125 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
The Righteous God, part 1 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 1 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 10:00 AM |
10:00 AM |
Using Romans Evangelistically, part 1 of 2 Ken Stegall McInteer 229 10:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Abundant Living - The Sojourner Mission Rick Northen McInteer 145 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Artifacts and the Old Testament Story, part 2 of 2 Dale Manor Cone Chapel 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 2 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
God and the Single Christian, part 2 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Anessa Westbrook McInteer 225 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Nurturing the Ministers Spiritual Life, part 2 of 2 Lawrence Rodgers W. McInteer 230 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Perplexing Passages - Romans 8 : The Ministry of the Spirit Paul Pollard McInteer 125 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Righteousness from God, part 2 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 2 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
Using Romans Evangelistically, part 2 of 2 Ken Stegall McInteer 229 11:00 AM |
2:00 PM |
Abundant Living - Healing Hands International Art Woods McInteer 145 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Artifacts and the New Testament Story Dale Manor Cone Chapel 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Creating a Culture of Leadership : Practical Suggestions for Church Leaders, part 3 of 3 Aubrey Johnson McInteer 150 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Andrew Baker Liberty Room 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God and the Single Christian, part 3 of 3 Steve McLeod McInteer 234 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God's People: the Mirror of the Righteous God, part 3 of 3 Jim McGuiggan Heritage Auditorium 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
God’s Gift to the Church, part 1 of 2 Matt Carter McInteer 230 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Philip Slate McInteer 125 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Panel Discussion : The Challenge of Teaching Biblical Womanhood McInteer 225 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Perplexing Passages - The Strong and the Weak, part 1: Hearing Paul’s Plea Ashby Camp McInteer 229 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
ROMANS SERMON CHALLENGE : Accepting One Another: A Personal Journey Inspired by Romans Ben Williams McInteer 353 2:00 PM |
2:00 PM |
Transformative Bible Study, part 3 of 3 Kathy Pollard McInteer 233 2:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Abundant Living - World Bible School John Reese McInteer 145 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Sherry Pollard McInteer 233 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
College Planning for Parents & Grandparents McInteer 225 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
God’s Gift to the Church, part 2 of 2 Matt Carter McInteer 230 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Kingdom Business - Jerry Hill, Timothy Hill Boys Ranch Jerry Hill McInteer 353 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
Perplexing Passages - The Strong and the Weak, part 2: Applying Paul’s Message Today Ashby Camp McInteer 229 3:00 PM |
3:00 PM |
The Renewing of Your Mind (Romans 12) Karl McLarty McInteer 125 3:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Book Signing : Wissam Al-Aethawi, author of Islam in Christ's Eyes Wissam Al-Aethawi Administration Auditorium 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Holly Jennings McInteer 150 4:00 PM |
4:00 PM |
Student - Walking in Step with The Spirit Daylan Moore McInteer 125 4:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - Christian Beyond Culture - Living a life with Christ beyond the cultural norms Abbygale Garrison McInteer 150 5:00 PM |
5:00 PM |
Student - The Struggle of Self-Righteousness: A Story of Growing Up in the Church Logan Hollinsaid McInteer 125 5:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
Ricardo Barrera McInteer 125 6:00 PM |
6:00 PM |
William Zhang McInteer 150 6:00 PM |
6:30 PM |
Concert - Harding University Chorus Benson Auditorium 6:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
KEYNOTE - The Churches of Christ Salute You Bruce McLarty Benson Auditorium 7:00 PM |