2007: Near to the Heart of God: Reflections on the Psalms | Annual Bible Lectureship

Near to the Heart of God: Reflections on the Psalms was the theme for the 84th Annual Harding University Lectureship. It was held on September 30-October 3, 2007.


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Sunday, September 30th
7:00 PM


Junhui Bian

7:00 PM

KEYNOTE: Near to the Heart of God

Dan Williams

7:00 PM

SPANISH SERMON: El Sumo Sacerdote: Encargado de la Expiación (the High Priest: In Charge of Atonement)

Dan Coker

7:00 PM

8:45 PM

Fireside Chat

Charles Hodge

8:45 PM

Monday, October 1st
9:00 AM

Abundant Living for Christian Seniors: Aging Well in an Aging America

Jim Hughes

9:00 AM

Archaelogy and the Bible, Part 1

Dale Manor

9:00 AM

Counseling: Anger Management

Carl Mitchell

9:00 AM

Evagelism in America, Part 1

Stan Granberg
Paul McMullen

9:00 AM

Grow Your Church Through Family Ministry, Part 1

Gary Gregg

9:00 AM

Israel's Story in the Psalms: Tell the Story

Phil McMillion

9:00 AM

Lessons From Psalms 119: A Literacy Masterpiece on the Word of God

John Curtis

9:00 AM

Ministers' Wives: Great Expectations

Claudette Bratcher

9:00 AM

Power, Purpose, and Potential for Life and Ministry: Who Is God?

John Helbig

9:00 AM

Preaching to the Spiritual Needs of People From the Psalms, Part 1

Scot Crenshaw

9:00 AM

Religious Education: Enriching Bible Reading: The Joy Is In The Details

Mike Landon

9:00 AM

Women's Lecture: Literary Structure and Theology of Psalms

Sherry Organ

9:00 AM

Worship and Praise: What Does Worship Have to Do With Church?

John Hodges

9:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: Like Us in Every Way: Helping Teens identify With Jesus, Part 1

Scott Adair

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Abundant Living for Christian Seniors: The New Paradigm for Senior Adult Ministry

Jim Hughes

10:00 AM

Archaelogy and the Bible, Part 2

Dale Manor

10:00 AM

Counseling: Developing Emotional Intelligence

Carl Mitchell

10:00 AM

Evagelism in America, Part 2

Stan Granberg
Paul McMullen

10:00 AM

Grow Your Church Through Family Ministry, Part 2

Gary Gregg

10:00 AM

Israel's Story in the Psalms: Learning From the Story

Phil McMillion

10:00 AM

Lessons From Psalms 119: 22 Sermons in One

John Curtis

10:00 AM

Ministers' Wives: The Challenge of Loneliness

Sherry Pollard

10:00 AM

Power, Purpose, and Potential for Life and Ministry: Who Are We?

John Helbig

10:00 AM

Practical Ministry: The Essence of Church of Christ Leadership

Evertt Huffard
Charles Siburt
Randy Willingham

10:00 AM

Preaching to the Spiritual Needs of People From the Psalms, Part 2

Scot Crenshaw

10:00 AM

Religious Education: Enriching Bible Reading: Where Are the Commercials?

Mike Landon

10:00 AM

Women's Lecture: The Imagery and Poetry of Psalms

Stephanie Eddleman

10:00 AM

Worship and Praise: Can Authentic Worship Be Planned?

John Hodges

10:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: Like Us in Every Way: Helping Teens identify With Jesus, Part 2

Scott Adair

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Near to the Heart of God When I Have Been Betrayed

Clyde Slimp

11:00 AM

3:00 PM

Abundant Living for Christian Seniors: Understandung Builder and Boomer Ministry

Jim Hughes

3:00 PM

Archaelogy and the Bible, Part 3

Dale Manor

3:00 PM

Counseling: Elements Related to Self-Esteem

Carl Mitchell

3:00 PM

Evagelism in America, Part 3

Stan Granberg
Paul McMullen

3:00 PM

Grow Your Church Through Family Ministry, Part 3

Gary Gregg

3:00 PM

Israel's Story in the Psalms: Worshiping Because of the Story

Phil McMillion

3:00 PM

Lessons From Psalms 119: Living and Sharing the Psalm

John Curtis

3:00 PM

Ministers' Wives: Developing Inner Resilience

Anessa Westbrook

3:00 PM

Power, Purpose, and Potential for Life and Ministry: Who Am I?

John Helbig

3:00 PM

Practical Ministry: The Status and Direction of Church of Christ Leadership

Evertt Huffard
Charles Siburt
Randy Willingham

3:00 PM

Preaching to the Spiritual Needs of People From the Psalms, Part 3

Scot Crenshaw

3:00 PM

Religious Education: Enriching Bible Reading: So What Does This Mean to Me?

Mike Landon

3:00 PM

Women's Lecture: Interactive Workshop: Writing a Psalm

Sherry Organ

3:00 PM

Worship and Praise: Improving our Worship? What Can We do?

John Hodges

3:00 PM

Youth and Family Ministry: Like Us in Every Way: Helping Teens identify With Jesus, Part 3

Scott Adair

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Chinese Class: Why I Believe in God

Edward Ho

4:00 PM

Getting Our Readiness Present: II Corinthians 8

Chris Simpson

4:00 PM

Spanish Class: Cerca del Corazon de Dios: Su Misericordia (Near to the Heart of God: His Mercy)

Gustavo Prato

4:00 PM

Student Lectures: That of a Child

Kelli Estepp

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

Life and Work of Marshall Keeble

Edward Robinson

4:30 PM

7:00 PM

CHINESE SERMON: The Pursuit of Life

David Finch

7:00 PM

KEYNOTE: Near to the Heart of God When I Grieve

Prentice Meador

7:00 PM

SPANISH SERMON: Los Sacerdotes: Encargados de los Sacrificios Diarios (The Priests: In Charge of Daily Sacrifices)

Dan Coker

7:00 PM

Tuesday, October 2nd
9:00 AM

Bible Study: His Glory Is Above Earth and Heaven

John Willis

9:00 AM

Biblical Preaching: The Pursuit of Happiness Psalms 1, 19, 23

Dave Bland

9:00 AM

Church History: Sons of Marshall Keeble

Edward Robinson

9:00 AM

Devotional: A Young Man Looks at the Psalms, Part 1

Steve Cloer

9:00 AM

Helping the Helper: Challenge of Finding Solutions for Complicated Problems

Suzanne Casey

9:00 AM

Improving Your Marriage and Family: Improving Your Marital Intimacy: Your Love Life Affects Your Children

Joe Brumfield

9:00 AM

KEYNOTE: An Imperfect Man After God's Own Heart: David the Psalmist

Marico Early

9:00 AM

Miscellaneous: Amazing Grace

Charles Hodge

9:00 AM

Missions: Changing Perspectives of World Missions by Denominational Religious Groups and Missions Leaders

Doyle Kee

9:00 AM

New Testament Studies: Romans, Part 1

Jimmy Allen

9:00 AM

Practical Ministry: Improving congregational Communications, Part 1

Randy Willingham

9:00 AM

Religious Education: Myth busters: Separating Fact From Fiction

Andrew Phillips

9:00 AM

School of Biblical Studies: The Bible Us for All: Can Christ Touch San Fransisco?

Paul Crites
Paul Fletcher

9:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: Thinking Outside the Box: Moving From Doing to Being

Pat Bills

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Bible Study: The Lord Is a Great King Above All Gods

John Willis

10:00 AM

Biblical Preaching: Honest to God: Psalms 13, 73, 90

Dave Bland

10:00 AM

Devotional: A Young Man Looks at the Psalms, Part 2

Steve Cloer

10:00 AM

God As the Master Tailor: Psalm 139

Terri Rine

10:00 AM

Helping the Helper: People Have Problems, but Problems Are Not People

Sherry Pollard

10:00 AM

I Lift Up My Eyes

Janice Luna

10:00 AM

Improving Your Marriage and Family: Preparing for the Devil's Attacks on Your Marriage

Joe Brumfield

10:00 AM

Miscellaneous: Holiness

Charles Hodge

10:00 AM

Missions: Changing Perspectives of World Missions by Supporting Churches, Elders, and Individual Christians

Doyle Kee

10:00 AM

New Testament Studies: Romans, Part 2

Jimmy Allen

10:00 AM

Practical Ministry: Improving congregational Communications, Part 2

Randy Willingham

10:00 AM

Praying the Psalms

Lori Walle

10:00 AM

Religious Education: Organization Builders: Getting the Most out of Our Programs and Ourselves

Andrew Phillips

10:00 AM

School of Biblical Studies: The Grace Project: A Web-based Outreach Tool

Michael Hanegan
Don Nelson

10:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: Thinking Outside the Box: Moving From Information to Transformation

Pat Bills

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

For in You I Take Refuge

Robin Waugh

11:00 AM

God As the Master Scientist

Retta Dean

11:00 AM

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Near to the Heart of God When I Have Sinned

Jerry Rushford

11:00 AM

Thy Word Have I Hidden in My Heart

Suzanne Casey

11:00 AM

1:00 PM

God As the Master Artist/Musician

Beverly Austin
Lis Jones

1:00 PM

My Cup Overflows

Linda Brumfield

1:00 PM

True Joy

Carol Vinzant

1:00 PM

1:30 PM

Helping the Helper Forum: Sources of Strength in Times of Trouble: Psalm 46:1-3

Suzanne Casey
Adrian Hickmon
Justin Moore
Lew Moore
Shery Pollard

1:30 PM

2:00 PM

KEYNOTE: God's Paintbrush: The Earth Reflects His Glory

Kathy Cherry

2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Bible Study: The Lord Is Merciful and Gracious

John Willis

3:00 PM

Biblical Preaching: A Broken Heart Psalms

Dave Bland

3:00 PM

Church History: Women of Marshall Keeble

Edward Robinson

3:00 PM

Devotional: A Young Man Looks at the Psalms, Part 3

Steve Cloer

3:00 PM

Improving Your Marriage and Family: Reaching the Lost and Romancing Your spouse at the Same Time

Joe Brumfield

3:00 PM

Miscellaneous: Heaven

Charles Hodge

3:00 PM

Missions: Changing Perspective of World Missions Through Christian Missionaries on the Field

Doyle Kee

3:00 PM

New Testament Studies: Romans, Part 3

Jimmy Allen

3:00 PM

Practical Ministry: Improving congregational Communications, Part 3

Randy Willingham

3:00 PM

Religious Education: Teaching Enhancers: Equipping Ourselves to Equip Others

Andrew Phillips

3:00 PM

School of Biblical Studies: When You Wish Upon…the Son

Roger Utter

3:00 PM

Youth and Family Ministry: Thinking Outside the Box: Moving Toward the Heart of the Gospel

Pat Bills

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Chinese Class: For God So Loved the World

Edward Short

4:00 PM

Spanish Class: Cerca del Corazon de Dios: Sus Deseos (Near to the Heart of God: His Desires)

Gustavo Prato

4:00 PM

Student Lectures: Everlasting Words for an Ever-Changing Generation

Jacob Hawk

4:00 PM

Student Lectures: Our Generation's Church

Jessica Terry

4:00 PM

7:00 PM

CHINESE SERMON: Light and Darkness

David Finch

7:00 PM

KEYNOTE Lecure: Near to the Heart of God When I Have No Answers

Don Vinzant

7:00 PM

SPANISH SERMON: El Templo: El Lugar Donde Se Ofrece el Sacrificio (The Temple: The Place Where the Sacrifice is Offered)

Dan Coker

7:00 PM

Wednesday, October 3rd
9:00 AM

Biblical Preaching: When the World Falls Apart: Psalm 46

Devin Swindle

9:00 AM

Church Growth: Domestic Evangelism: Proven Methods Employed by Overseas Missionaries, Part 1

Gordon Hogan

9:00 AM

Engaging the World on Moral Issues: Signs of the Times, Part 1

Bill Wheeler

9:00 AM

Ministers' Wives: Preachers' Wives 101

Ann McLarty
Lisa Ziegler
Rachel Swindle
Jane Norton

9:00 AM

Miscellaneous: The Creation Declares the Glory of God: Exploring the Relationship Between Humanity and the Environment

Nathan Guy

9:00 AM

Missions: Supporting Nationals: Another View (Brazil Experience)

Randy Short

9:00 AM

New Testament Studies: The Calls of God, Part 1

Ron Prater

9:00 AM

Practical Ministry: Knife-gripping Faith: How Can My Faith Bless the Future?

Clyde Slimp

9:00 AM

Psalms of Lament: The Loss of Lament: What Is Truth?

John Fortner

9:00 AM

Religious Education: Adult Education: The Gospel According to Starbucks, part 1

Tim Westbrook

9:00 AM

Women's Lecture: Looking for the Messiah in Psalms

Linda Parker

9:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: During the Storm: Youth Ministry in the Face of Conflict, Part 1

Trey Talley

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

Biblical Preaching: A Lesson on the Law: Psalm 119

Devin Swindle

10:00 AM

Church Growth: Domestic Evangelism: Proven Methods Employed by Overseas Missionaries, Part 2

Allen Diles

10:00 AM

Engaging the World on Moral Issues: Signs of the Times, Part 2

Bill Wheeler

10:00 AM

Ministers' Wives: Resilience: Reaching Out and Reaching Up

Anessa Westbrook

10:00 AM

Miscellaneous: The Creation Declares the Glory of God: Exploring the Relationship Between Humanity and the Environment - Practical Applications for Today

Nathan Mills

10:00 AM

Missions: Training Nationals a Must (Brazil Experience)

Randy Short

10:00 AM

New Testament Studies: The Calls of God, Part 2

Ron Prater

10:00 AM

Practical Ministry: Fireproof Faith: How Can I Stand Strong in My Faith?

Clyde Slimp

10:00 AM

Psalms of Lament: Calling the Community to Lament: Confessing the Truth

John Fortner

10:00 AM

Religious Education: Adult Education: The Gospel According to Starbucks, part 2

Tim Westbrook

10:00 AM

Women's Lecture: Salvation, History, and the Psalms

Julie Harris

10:00 AM

Youth and Family Ministry: After the Storm: Youth Ministry in the Face of Conflict, Part 2

Trey Talley

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Near to the Heart of God When I Lose Hope

Mike Myers

11:00 AM

1:30 PM

FORUM: A Cappella Singing in the First and 21st Centuries: Re-examining the Connections

Cliff Ganus III

1:30 PM

3:00 PM

Biblical Preaching: By the Rivers of Babylon: Psalm 137

Devin Swindle

3:00 PM

Church Growth: Domestic Evangelism: Proven Methods Employed by Overseas Missionaries, Part 3

Tim Westbrook

3:00 PM

Miscellaneous: The Creation Declares the Glory of God: Exploring the Relationship Between Humanity and the Environment

Mark Wilson

3:00 PM

Missions: This Job Is Bigger Than I Am (Brazil Experience)

Randy Short

3:00 PM

New Testament Studies: The Calls of God, Part 3

Ron Prater

3:00 PM

Practical Ministry: Roof-climbing Faith: How Can I Break Through Barriers and Get My Friends to Jesus?

Clyde Slimp

3:00 PM

Psalms of Lament: Seeking, Finding and Sharing God in the Lament: Proclaiming the Truth

John Fortner

3:00 PM

Women's Lecture: Surviving With the Psalms

Treva Pryor
Lori Sloan

3:00 PM

Youth and Family Ministry: Worship Plus Youth Ministry Equals Good?

Trey Talley

3:00 PM

4:00 PM

Chinese Class: The Cross of Christ

Edward Short

4:00 PM

Spanish Class: Cerca del Corazon de Dios: Su Amor (Near to the Heart of God: His Love)

Gustavo Prato

4:00 PM

Student Lectures: A Loving Relationship With God

Adam Farnsworth

4:00 PM

7:00 PM


David Finch

7:00 PM

KEYNOTE LECTURE: Neart to the Heart of God When I Am Moved to Praise

Bruce McLarty
John Hodges

7:00 PM

SPANISH SERMON: El Sacrificio: Una Filosoíia de Vida (The Sacrifice: A Philosophy of Life)

Dan Coker

7:00 PM