"Contributions of International Teaching Assistants" by Chynar Amanova, Rakez Al-Ararah et al.

Author Biography

Chynar Amanova is a postdoctoral fellow at Northern Illinois University. Born and raised in Dashoguz region, Turkmenistan. She came to the United States as an international student. Chynar Amanova then received EdD in Adult and Higher Education from Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, in Spring of 2021. Her research interests include international teaching assistants and international doctoral students’ experiences at U.S. higher education institutions.

Rakez Al-Ararah got his Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from Northern Illinois University (NIU) in Spring 2021. Born and raised in Jerash, Jordan. Dr. Al-Ararah came to the United States as an international student. His research interests include technology integration for higher education, instructional design, massive open online learning, and professional development. He worked as a lecturer at Yarmouk University in Jordan, and he has also worked as an educator for the Ministry of Education in Jordan. After graduating from NIU, Dr. Al-Ararah is engaged in higher education research that involves technology integration to foster student learning.

Gudrun Nyunt is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University. Born and raised in Bregenz, Austria, Dr. Nyunt came to the United States as an international student. Dr. Nyunt then received her Ph.D. in Student Affairs from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2018. Dr. Nyunt’s research interests include educational practices that foster the development of intercultural maturity and prepare students for active engagement in a global society; the experiences of international and minoritized students, faculty, and Student Affairs staff at U.S. higher education institutions; and the mental health and overall well-being of members of the campus community.


To meet the needs of diverse population of students, online classes in higher education started to proliferate in recent decades. Increase in enrollment in online courses required U.S. higher education institutions to employ teaching assistants, including international teaching assistants (ITAs) to teach a variety of undergraduate level courses. This exploratory qualitative case study aimed to analyze international teaching assistants’ (ITAs) teaching strategies through the lens of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. Themes emerged from the data that highlight the knowledge and skills ITAs brought to teaching online classes.

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