"Decay in Educational System: The Nigerian Perspective" by Itohowo Paul Ignatius and Iniobong Daniel Umotong Dr.

Author Biography

Itohowo Paul Ignatius is a research student in advanced level of his Masters in Akwa Ibom State University. He is a graduate of philosophy (Summa cum Laude). His research areas includes but not limited to Education, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, African philosophy.

Iniobong Daniel Umotong is an Associate Professor of Philosophy in Akwa Ibom State University. He has a good number to publication to his name. His area of interest include, Epistemolohy, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Education and African Philosophy.


Education is the bedrock of development in every society. In developing countries including Nigeria, education is conceived as the tool through which national objectives (such as nation building, social integration and economic development) are achieved. Although education has so many prospects for developing countries, Nigeria continues to be crawling with its education sector. It is against this background that this paper seeks to answer the fundamental questions: what are the problems facing the Nigerian educational sector and in what ways can they be mitigated? The national policy of education (1998) in Nigeria has five working objectives and philosophies through which education is geared toward. However, the reality on ground shows that these objectives have not been achieved or have been minimally achieved. Through research, the authors of this paper have discovered the underlying factors for the decay and the agents, cankerworms eating up whatever should have enhanced the development of our educational system. The major problems of education in Nigeria are corruption and misplaced government priorities in policies. Others include poor funding; shortage of quality staff; dearth of contemporary infrastructure; indiscipline among stake holders, staff, students, guardians and government; decayed social values and impunity to existing laws and regulations in the operational modules as it concerns the educational system. The authors suggest that there should be aggressive and intensive sensitization on the need to discard and eliminate corrupt practices and institute a lasting legacy in accountability and transparency by institutional officers as well as amongst policy makers.
