
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership


Dr. Usen Akpanudo


The purpose of this dissertation was to use the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 data set, a nationally representative and longitudinal study of high school students, to determine if the combination of Goals and Expectations, Outcomes and Measures, Pathways and Supports, and Resources and Structures strands of the Organizer Model significantly predict high school success, college readiness, and college success among high school students in the United States. Second, this study was to determine if high school success and college readiness significantly mediate the effects of mentioned strands on college success while controlling for demographic, socioeconomic, and geo regional characteristics. The main analytical method for testing the hypotheses was multivariable logistic regression. Components of the theoretical model consistently revealed associations across all hypotheses, and statistical models are variables of Goals and Expectations and Outcomes and Measure strands. The Resources and Structures strand measures seem more relevant for college outcomes. The Pathways and Supports strand was not significant in the fully adjusted models. College readiness was a significant mediator between the model strands and college success, while high school success did not show the same effect. Practitioners should continue to use proven methods to support and sustain student success while transitioning from high school to college.

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