Date of Award
Winter 12-19-2020
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Leadership
Dr. David Bangs
The purpose of this dissertation was to determine the predictive effects of school size, teacher absenteeism, pupil-teacher ratio, district health literacy percentage, and highly mobile student population rates. These predictive factors were examined on persistence as measured by the 4-year graduation rates, on accountability ratings as measured by the ESSA building score, and on the overall academic achievement as measured by the average ACT composite score of juniors for high schools in Arkansas, respectively. A quantitative, multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The sample data for this study comprised 75 Arkansas public high schools, selected and stratified by size and geographic locations, throughout the state of Arkansas. An alpha level of .05 was set for the two-tailed test for each of the three hypotheses. Health literacy was the only single predictor that contributed significantly to the models regarding the criterion variables of accountability ratings as measured by the ESSA building score and on the overall academic achievement as measured by the average ACT composite score of juniors for high schools in Arkansas. No other significance was observed. Using the chaos theory as the theoretical framework, this study not only complemented existing vii literature but created new literature and research to better understand health literacy and its predictive effects on certain school-based outcomes. Because of this research, policymakers should reexamine the current achievement goals used in school accountability processes to produce a more equitable accountability scale for schools across state and national levels.
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Recommended Citation
Luttrell, Justin, "District-based and School-based Variables Predicting Performance of High Schools in Arkansas" (2020). Dissertations. 58.