Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Leadership
Dr. Donny Lee
The purpose of this dissertation was to add to the limited available research. In both hypotheses, the independent variables were whether or not the student used the READ 180 program, the number of years the student received ELL services in the United States (6 years or less or more than 6 years), and the year tested (2011 or 2012). The dependent variables for the first hypothesis were literacy and mathematics achievement measured by scaled scores obtained on the seventh grade Arkansas Augmented Benchmark Literacy and Mathematics examinations. The dependent variables for the second hypothesis were literacy and mathematics achievement measured by scaled scores obtained on the eighth grade Arkansas Augmented Benchmark Literacy and Mathematics examinations.
This causal-comparative design used seventh and eighth grade students in three urban middle schools and three junior high schools in northwest Arkansas. The six schools were chosen based on their similar student demographics of grade configuration, ethnicity, and the implementation of the READ 180 program. The study included 743 seventh grade and 649 eighth-grade students. Of the total sample, 248 of the students in each school who were participating in the READ 180 program were compared to another 1,144 students who were not participating in the READ 180 program. Within the group of students participating in the READ 180 program, I identified the students who received ELL services of 6 years or less or more than 6 years. Non-ELL students and those at the ELL Level 3 or higher were not eligible to participate in the READ 180 program.
A factorial MANOVA was used to analyze the data for each of the hypotheses. The results of the multivariate test results for the first hypothesis indicated there was a significant difference among the groups for each of the three independent variables. There was not a statistically significant 3-way interaction between length of time receiving ELL services, participation in READ 180, and year tested. There were no 2- way interactions between the independent variables. A between-subjects test showed the main effects were significant for all three independent variables. Consequently, the first hypothesis was rejected because significant differences existed in scaled literacy and mathematics scores based on the main effects of year, participation in READ 180, and ELL service length. Further analysis showed that students in seventh grade scored significantly higher in 2012 than in 2011 on the examination. In mathematics, there was not a significant difference. Furthermore, students who were not in the READ 180 program scored significantly higher than those who participated in READ 180 on the seventh grade exams. Finally, students who received ELL services for more than 6 years scored significantly higher than those who received services for 6 years or less on the seventh grade examinations.
When reviewing the multivariate test results for the second hypothesis, there was a significant difference among the groups for each of the three independent variables. There was not a statistically significant 3-way interaction between length of time receiving ELL services, participation in READ 180, and year tested. There was an interaction between participation in READ 180 and ELL service length. A betweensubjects test showed the main effects were significant for all three independent variables. Consequently, the second hypothesis was rejected because significant differences existed in scaled literacy and mathematics scores based on year, participation in READ 180, and on ELL service length. Students in eighth grade scored significantly higher in 2012 than in 2011 on the literacy and mathematics exams. Furthermore, students who were not in the READ 180 program scored significantly higher than those who participated in READ 180 on the eighth grade exams. Finally, students who received ELL services for more than 6 years scored significantly higher than those who received services for 6 years or less on the eighth grade literacy and mathematics examinations.
The results of this study were consistent with work published by independent sources. When generalizing the results of this study to other groups, it was important to remember several elements. First, academic vocabulary and knowledge were acquired as a result of three important factors: time, effective pedagogy, and the amount of formal education in a student’s native language. Furthermore, it was difficult to generalize the findings of this study to other populations. The findings indicated that READ 180 was not an effective intervention that could assist with language acquisition. Furthermore, as the state of Arkansas transitions from the AABE to testing based on the Common Core State Standards, it will be difficult to generalize the findings of this study
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Recommended Citation
Griep, Paul A., "READ 180 Participation, ELL Service Length, and Year on Literacy and Mathematics Achievement for Middle School Students" (2015). Dissertations. 14.