HST Graduates and Commencements
Creation Date
Leanne J. Braddock, MAC
Ted D. Burleson, DMin
Jeff W. Cary, MDiv
Elizabeth Lee Cox, MAC
Christopher Crooks, MA
Nathan Bryant Daily, MA, MDiv
Leoncio G. Dominguez, MDiv
Amy Lynn Edwards, MACM
David Anthony Ellis, MDiv
Keith Baugus Fussell, MAC
Nathan Philip Guy, MA
Jeremy S. Hopkins, MDiv
John Jordan House, MA
Eonyong Ko, MDiv
Sun Lee, MDiv
Robert Timothy (Bob) Logsdon, MDiv
Ronald J. Longwell, MACM
Jeffrey Matthews, MDiv
James M. McFarland, Jr., MDiv
Phillip L. McKinney, II, MA
Willie J. Nettle, DMin
James A. Nored, MDiv
Jesse Erle Robertson, MDiv
Peter Daniel Rucker, MDiv
Allen Milton Stanley, Sr., MDiv
Floyd M. Williamson, MDiv
Jonathan Franklin Woodall, MA
Thomas Garner Yoakum, DMin -- Benediction
Administrators & Faculty:
Larry Arick -- Director of Advancement -- Invocation
Julia Carisse Mickey Berryhill -- Associate Librarian
Robert Allen Black, Jr. -- Professor of New Testament
Dave L. Bland -- Professor of Homiletics -- D.Min. Director
David B. Burks -- President, Harding University
Bill W. Flatt -- Professor of Counseling
Edward Alfred Gray -- Professor of Counseling
Evertt W. Huffard -- Dean/Executive Director and Professor of Missiology
Barry Stephen (Steve) McLeod -- Registrar
Phillip E. McMillion -- Professor of Old Testament
Don L. Meredith -- Librarian
Richard E. (Rick) Oster -- Professor of New Testament
Sheila Ann Owen -- Cataloger
Linda Kay Oxford -- HUGSR Alumna of the Year. Adjunct Instructor in Counseling -- Address
Mark E. Powell -- Assistant Professor of Christian Doctrine
Drew Custer -- President, Student Association
Harold R. Redd -- Member, Board of Trustees
Leon B. Sanderson -- Associate Minister, Church of Christ at White Station -- Song leader
Harding School of Theology