HST Graduates and Commencements




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Brian Alonzo Ayers, MDiv
Caleb Andrew Borchers, MDiv
Christopher W. Buxton, MDiv
Preston W. Cottrell, MA -- Vice President, Student Association
Jerrard A. Davis, MDiv
Nicholas Ryan (Nick) Faris, MDiv
Michael Todd Flowers, DMin
David John Ford, MDiv
Sean Michael Gearson, MAC
Timothy Christian Gunnells, DMin
Charles R. Hale, Jr., MA
Kevin Lee Johnson, MA
Joseph Ryan Kelly, MDiv
Darin Scott Little, MDiv
L. John McMillan, MA
Glenda D. Murray, MAC
Jacob Michael Parnell, MDiv
Robert Jackson Stewart, MAC
Stephen Edward (Steve) Teel, DMin -- Minister, Hendersonville (NC) Church of Christ -- Benediction
James P. Teigen, MACM
Carl Anders Williamson, MDiv
R. Mark Wilson, MACM

Administrators & Faculty:
Robert Allen Black, Jr. -- Professor of New Testament
Dave L. Bland -- Professor of Homiletics -- D.Min. Director
David B. Burks -- President, Harding University
Edward Alfred Gray -- Professor of Counseling
Evertt W. Huffard -- Vice President/Dean and Professor of Missiology
John Fredrick Kennedy -- Assistant Professor of Counseling
Bruce D. McLarty -- Vice President, Harding University -- Address
Barry Stephen (Steve) McLeod -- Associate Dean
Phillip E. McMillion -- Professor of Old Testament
Don L. Meredith -- Librarian
Richard E. (Rick) Oster -- Professor of New Testament -- Invocation
Sheila Ann Owen -- Associate Librarian
Mark E. Powell -- Associate Professor of Theology

Harold R. Redd -- Member, Board of Trustees
Leon B. Sanderson -- Associate Minister, Church of Christ at White Station -- Song leader


Harding School of Theology
