HST Graduates and Commencements
Creation Date
Thomas Craig (Tom) Alexander, MTh
Carrol W. Balding, MTh
Chris Raymond Bullard, MTh
John Martin Cogan, MA
Homer William Cole, MA
William Henry Conley, MA
Paul Mac Deaver, MA
Alan James Diana, MA
Allan Ray Eldridge, MTh
Glendell Ray Fann, MA
Lindsey F. Garmon, MA
Timothy David Hadley, MA
Paul David Haynie, MA
Arlin Glenn Hendrix, MA
Raymond C. Hooper, MA -- Also listed in the 1974 program
David Wesley Hubbard, MA -- Also listed in the 1974 program
Evertt W. Huffard, MA
Larry Morris James, MA
William Boyd Johnston, MA
Glen deWayne McCall, MA -- Also listed in the 1974 program
Elvin Charles Meakes, MA
Carl Michael Moss, MA
David B. Myers, Jr., MA
Marvin Lee Nutt, MA
Larry Reeder Oldham, MA
Robert Clayton Robinson, MA
Timothy Duane Shoemaker, MA
James H. Springer, MA
Donald Lee Stevens, MA
Max Edward Tice, MA
Robert R. Watson, MA
Clarence Thomas Wilson, MTh
D. Hershel Wilson, MA
Fred W. Wood, MA
John Ralph Wood, MA, MTh
Donald E. Wright, MA
John Joseph Wright, MA
Administrators & Faculty:
Annie May Alston -- Librarian
Bill W. Flatt -- Registrar
Harold H. Hazelip -- Dean and Associate Professor of Christian Doctrine
Jack P. Lewis -- Professor of Bible
G. W. (Bill) Patterson -- Associate Professor of Christian Education
John A. Scott, Sr. -- Associate Professor of Old Testament and Counseling
Carl Philip Slate -- Assistant Professor of Preaching and Missions
Thomas (Tom) Warren -- Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics
Velma R. West -- Assistant Professor of Greek
W. B. West, Jr. -- Professor of New Testament
Jim Chester -- Director, Harding Graduate School A Cappella Chorus
Harold N. Cogburn -- Member, Board of Trustees
E. Claude Gardner -- President, Freed-Hardeman College -- Address
Don Clifton Glover -- Minister, White Station Church of Christ -- Benediction
Glendol C. Grimes -- Minister, Kimball Avenue Church of Christ -- Invocation
Joe Cook Van Dyke, Jr. -- Minister, Floyd Avenue Church of Christ -- Song leader
Harding School of Theology