Honors Theses

Document Type


Date of Completion


Academic Year



Engineering & Physics

Academic Major

Computer Engineering

Second Academic Major

Criminal Justice

Faculty Advisor

John Stone


As internet-connected devices become more prevalent, the need for police and law enforcement to be able to utilize these devices when solving crimes steadily increases. Law enforcement agencies are already aware of the opportunities and challenges when interacting with computers and mobile cellular devices, but many agencies are unable to utilize these avenues of evidence because of limited access to resources able to forensically examine computing devices. In addition, the introduction of internet of things devices, such as Amazon Alexa and other microphone or camera connected devices, allows new opportunities for law enforcement agencies to gather digital forensic evidence either to convict a criminal or to solve a crime. This study will explore both the opportunities and challenges of using Internet of Things evidence for law enforcement purposes by analyzing Internet of Things legal cases as well as articles and research about the Internet of Things and digital evidence.
