"Facing the Issues" was the theme for the 54th Annual Harding College Bible Lectureship that was held on October 4-7, 1977.


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Tuesday, October 4th
6:30 PM

Harding College Lectures 1977

Harding University

6:30 PM

7:30 PM

How Can We Reach the Lost?

Gary Beauchamp

7:30 PM

Wednesday, October 5th
8:30 AM

The Whole World is Full of God's Glory

Basil Overton

8:30 AM

10:00 AM

Why are We Here?

Doug Parsons

10:00 AM

11:00 AM

I Corinthians 12 and the Charismatic Movement

Jimmy Allen

11:00 AM

2:35 PM

An Overview of the Rise of Cults

Ed Sanders

2:35 PM

The Bible and Evolution

Basil Overton

2:35 PM

3:25 PM

Beholding and Becoming

Doug Parsons

3:25 PM

Keep Thyself Pure

Joe Schubert

3:25 PM

5:30 PM

Holy Spirit in the Christian's Life

Rubel Shelley

5:30 PM

Thursday, October 6th
8:00 AM

Building Better Churchs

Charles Hodge

8:00 AM

Drug Abuse: A Real Issue Pt. 1

Willard Alls

8:00 AM

Women's Day: The Beauty of Holiness Pt. 1

Lottie Beth Hobbs

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Distorted Love

John Bailey

9:00 AM

Women's Day: How to Deal with Problems of Grief Pt. 1

Fern Hill

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

I Corinthians 13 and the Charismatic Movement

Jimmy Allen

10:00 AM

Inspiration of the Scriptures

Carl Spain
Jack Lewis

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Demons and the Occult

Joe Schubert

10:50 AM

11:00 AM

The Real Issue: Dying to Live

Charles Hodge

11:00 AM

1:25 PM

The Issue of Denominationalism

Tom Eddins
Richard Jones

1:25 PM

2:20 PM


Ed Sanders

2:20 PM

Patterns of Church Growth

Flavil Yeakley

2:20 PM

3:15 PM

Open Forum Pt. 1

Ed Sanders
Tom Eddins
Richard Jones

3:15 PM

4:15 PM


Don Deffenbaugh

4:15 PM

7:30 PM

The Need for Christ-Centered Homes

Charles Coil

7:30 PM

Friday, October 7th
8:00 AM

Drug Abuse: A Real Issue Pt. 2

Willard Alls

8:00 AM

Women's Day: The Beauty of Holiness Pt. 2

Lottie Beth Hobbs

8:00 AM

9:00 AM

Unisex: A Dirty Word

John Bailey

9:00 AM

Women's Day: How to Deal with Problems of Grief Pt. 2

Fern Hill

9:00 AM

10:00 AM

I Corinthians 14 and the Charismatic Movement

Jimmy Allen

10:00 AM

Unmotivated Church Members

Leon Barnes
Glen McDaniel

10:00 AM

10:50 AM

Changing Our Concepts for Church Growth

Jerry Jones

10:50 AM

11:00 AM

Leadership in Facing the Issues

Dale Smith

11:00 AM

1:25 PM

Reaching the Lost

Wayne Monroe
Bob Hare

1:25 PM

Women's Day: Go Through it with Hope

Mary Oler

1:25 PM

2:20 PM

Research on Evangelism

Flavil Yeakley

2:20 PM

The Unification Church

Ed Sanders

2:20 PM

3:15 PM

Open Forum Pt. 2

Don Shackelford
James D. Bales
Bob Hare

3:15 PM

5:45 PM

Crisis We Face

Clifton L. Ganus Jr.

5:45 PM

7:30 PM

The Dangers of Liberalism

Jimmy Allen

7:30 PM