HST Graduates and Commencements




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Lynn Anderson, MA
Michael David Anglin, MA
James Dee Burns, MRE
Carl Wade Cheatham, MRE, MTh
Donald Dewyane Davenport, MA
Phillip Wayne Elkins, MTh
Marion Albert Hendrickson, MTh
James David Hobby, MRE, MTh
James Edwin (Jim) Howard, MRE, MTh
Jerry Austin Jenkins, MRE
Floyd Furman Kearley, MRE, MTh
James Glen Mayfield, MA
John Michael Mills, MRE
Gary Keith Rayburn, MRE, MTh
Theophilus Brown Underwood, Jr., MRE
Murray Edwin Warren, MRE
Willard Wilson Willis, MRE, MTh

Administrators & Faculty:
Annie May Alston -- Librarian
Richard A. (Dick) Batey -- Assistant Professor of New Testament and Christian Doctrine
George Stuart Benson -- President, Harding College -- Address
George Gurganus -- Professor of Speech and Missions
Irene Gurganus -- Registrar
Jack P. Lewis -- Professor of Bible
Paul Rotenberry -- Associate Professor of Old Testament and Christian Doctrine
John A. Scott, Sr. -- Assistant Professor of Old Testament
Donald R. Sime -- Associate Professor of Christian Education and Counseling
Velma R. West -- Assistant Professor of Greek
W. B. West, Jr. -- Dean and Professor of New Testament
James Keith Zink -- Assistant Professor of Old Testament and Church History

Joe Baxter -- Song leader
Richard D. Fuller -- Secretary, Board of Trustees
Robert Riggs -- Director, Memphis Acapella Singers
David Underwood -- Minister, Germantown Church of Christ -- Benediction
Joe Cook Van Dyke, Jr. -- Minister, Coro Lake Church of Christ -- Invocation


Harding School of Theology
